Trump Fell Asleep In Court And Killed The "Biden's Old" Talking Point Forever
That scream you hear is newsrooms across the country losing their last real attack on Biden.
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Well, hot damn! Trump’s first day in court was an absolute fucking disaster! Was he held in contempt? No. Is the jury entirely gay black drag queens with trans kids? No. Did Trump go rabid and bite the bailiff? No.
It was actually worse than any of that. Trump…fell asleep. Twice!
The New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman was the first to report on Trump’s seemingly exhausted manner, writing in the Times’ live blog of the trial around 12 p.m. that Trump’s “head keeps dropping down and his mouth goes slack.”
A short time later, Haberman wrote that “Trump has apparently jolted back awake” after “noticing the notes his lawyer passed him several minutes ago.”
Multiple other reporters made similar observations, including Reuters’ Jack Queen, who wrote in an email chain between reporters watching the trial, that Trump “was leaning back in his chair with his arms folded and his eyes very much appeared to be closed for several minutes at a time” just before 3 p.m.
Fucking catastrophic. This was not Trump at a boring dinner or speech. You nod off at one of those, eh, whatever. This was Trump on his first day in court at the start of jury selection for a case that will almost certainly see him a convicted felon this summer. The stakes are as high as it gets. And he…fell asleep?!
Let me remind you that if Trump is convicted of even a single felony, much less a few dozen, he will lose a rather significant percent of voters. There are Republicans who will not vote for a felon, even if that felon is named “Donald Trump.”
Trump is already tied or behind Biden in the polls. If that trend holds up as the polls become more reliable closer to the election, losing even 2% of his base becomes an insurmountable barrier to winning. Exit polls for the primaries suggest a far larger number of Republicans voter will walk, turning a loss into a, ahem, bloodbath.
I know this which means Trump knows this. Well, his brain is swiss cheese so maybe not. But let’s pretend he knows this. So, knowing this, you’d think Trump would be hyper-alert and focused on his first day in court.
NOPE! This motherfucker fell asleep. Multiple times! He wasn’t resting his eyes. He wasn’t meditating. He was fucking asleep!
And that is the end of the “Sleepy Joe” nickname forever. That is the last we’ll see of the Joe Biden age plot the press has been working on for the last 4 years. That shit is done. Stick a fork in it, suckers! The next reporter that tries to make a thing of Biden’s age is going to be nuked from orbit unless half of the article is about how Trump is so old he fell the fuck asleep in court with his freedom at stake.
You want to complain they’re both old? Cool. Do that. They’re both old. But don’t you fucking dare suggest that Biden can’t do the job without saying the same about Trump.1 If he can’t stay awake during something this important to him personally, you think he’ll stay awake during a national security briefing? What if there’s a crisis at four in the morning and he’s out of Adderall?
This was the last real attack the press had on Biden. The economy is up. Crime is down. Inflation is not spiraling out of control. Biden continues to handle foreign policy like a professional instead of a ranting lunatic. The border can’t stay the #1 news topic forever.
Biden’s age was it and I promise you, they were going to pull it out again this summer and again the fall.
But that’s all over now. Trump just murdered the Biden’s Age talking point in cold blood in front of the entire nation. Ha. Ha. Fucking Ha. November’s going to be a blue wave fueled by the rage of women. Deal with it.
There are 203 days until the 2024 election. Vote blue like your life depends on it.
The press loves to both sides everything. So here’s permission to both sides the fuck out of the age topic. Don’t want to? Fuck off, then.
Dementia and Alzheimer’s patients have a very difficult time staying focused and awake. Remember Ronald Reagan falling asleep with the Pope when they were trying to hide the fact that President Reagan had Alzheimer’s? I don’t wish either of those diseases on anybody, but people need to wake up and smell the roses and see what’s really going on!!
Thanks for the great take on today’s day in court.
Lol, I guess the proceedings were just too dull even if your freedom is at stake. He went a little heavy on his mud facial too.