Trans woman here. I have spent the past year telling anyone who will listen that if Trump was re-elected this kind of stuff is exactly what would happen. But I was told I was being too dramatic. Always by cis people trying to deny my lived experience. Americans mostly have their heads in the sand unless the issue directly affects them or someone they know. And not a single one of us expects fair reporting from the legacy press. The truth doesn't get ratings.

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I and all other sane people never would have said you’re being dramatic! You were being accurate and realistic! We WILL stand by & protect you with a might that will shock the criminal fucks. I will be wearing an ally pin…a magnet actually from Etsy..to show everyone I will always support the LGBTQIA community!

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This anti-trans movement makes me sick. Anyone who is upset by a trans person, needs to sit down and talk to them or mind your own damn business!! They are normal, healthy people!! What the hell are these people so damn afraid of? Maddening!!!!

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It is THESE MAGA monsters who should be treated like the trash they are!

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I’m a trans man. It is absolutely ridiculous to me that I would be legally forced into women’s spaces, where I don’t belong and where they don’t want me. I have seen laws putting a bounty on us if seen in “the wrong restroom” (Texas), and recently they are trying to make trans people’s existence a sex crime; as in it would be illegal for me to go to the gym and use the locker room or to have my shirt off at a public pool/beach.

I see a lot of people talking around us but never to us. We are regular people who just want to live in peace, who just want to update our documents, have a job, go on vacation like everyone else and not be harassed by this absolutely bizarre obsession with our genitals 🙃

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I understand & I agree. The persecution of the transgender community is horrifying & so ridiculous on the part of those doing the hate mongering.

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Musk controls Trump and the Cabinet. But Musk is a dumbshit. HIs smart guy act is a con. Any human being who thinks empathy is bad and cruelty is good should have no credibility or political power.

He attacks Social Security. This dumbshit has no clue about what the old people are going to do now. They will flood the Congress and White House with outrage. Millions of pissed off old people.

Repeat to everyone you know on every platform: Musk is a dumbshit. Musk is a dumbshit. Musk is a dumbshit.

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It's not that he has no clue, although he doesn't. It's that he simply doesn't care.

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In case anyone missed it, they have made it legal to investigate people for being lgbtq+. No other reason needed. It's starting.

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Omg 😳

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Trump is getting his views straight from Project 2025 and from Putin. Being gay in Russia can kill you.


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It's a worldwide stand against lgbtq+ and we can't let them win.

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And this is one of the more balanced views… when you think that almost every other major publication is 100 steps more anti-trans, it makes the problem even clearer.

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I have a trans daughter. I guess because it not that many people, people think it doesn’t matte, but to those of us that have family members that are trans it matters a great deal. My daughter and I have been crying since he was elected. We are horrified. She has been covered in hives for days.

I have never been particularly patriotic. I knew America is not and has never been greatest country in the world. Come on, we came here took the indigenous peoples land and then committed genocide against them almost wiping their entire beautiful culture out. That brings us to the brutal and inhuman enslavement of black people. So America was built on two cultures of people that it tries to hide the history of the true stories. Still to this day

Racism is here still in our laws and happening. So when was America great?

My daughter has done nothing wrong. She works, pays taxes and is a wonderful, beautiful person. Why is she not entitled to the same rights as everyone else? She was born here.

Her only crime? The crime of being born transgender.

I wish we had the money to leave. Because a country that has never been the greatest is now an agent of one of the world’s most dangerous and evil men.

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With you all the way Anna!

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We are on a very shameful path.

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Is there a key to which columnist goes with which picture? I'm proud to say I haven't followed the NYT long enough that I don't know any of these columnists by sight.

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Straight male here, I feel for the trans community and I stand by you.

I cannot believe that these redneck fucks are using sport (because they think it is manly) to push their hatred of the trans community. Sport in itself is meant to be inclusive and a community.

I am not sure how I feel about trans women playing in women's sport, and maybe I am just naive/ignorant on the matter. There has to be a way we can make this inclusive for everyone.

But to use sport as the basis to take away trans rights as a whole is absolutely disgusting.

I am sorry that in 2025 you still can't just live your lives in peace.

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"It’s not a big deal because it only affects a few people."

This is also the whine of the manosphere.

Perhaps we should refine our list?

"We care about men, but also everyone else on this list."

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Women’s rights aren’t even on that chart. The NYT obviously doesn’t have any concern or respect for what women in this country are dealing with.

As a Bi, disabled, pagan woman, this is just terrifying.

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I was not referring to any newspaper list, I was referring to the real list of all the differences in this world's people.

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I’m Jewish and non-binary and I’ve kept telling people that yes, it (fascism and similar movements and the rise of the alt-right) can in fact happen here for so long and it has been happening here( America’s systems of oppression literally inspiring Nazi Germany, etc) and here we are now after everyone was dismissive of it all. I’m so done with the news at this point treating this like it’s a game when Trump’s orders and attempted orders will affect millions of people in this country. Why are people still acting like he’s joking about it

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I want to thank you for reporting all that you do. There needs to be a permanent end to these seditionists criminals in our White House!

And we must see a message…never again! And they must learn that message with the harshest consequences!

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The other fucked up thing about this is I bet these putrid magats would find it ok if two beautiful women were lesbian, but not anyone else.

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Yeah, no they wouldn’t. Maybe in the porn sense, but women wanting something they don’t factor into? Burn the witch!

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Yep, when you say it like that haha. No chance they are factored in

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