Holy Shit NYT, This Anti-Trans Hate Is Gross, Even For You Fucksticks
The NYT has been on an anti-trans crusade for years but, what the actual fuck?
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I’m going to be honest, I was not paying close attention to the New York Times waging war against the trans community over the last several years. I knew they were doing it but it wasn’t at the top of my list of things to worry about. You see, we had a Democrat in the White House and Kamala Harris was going to be president. Trans hate was ugly but I wasn’t worried for the trans community in the long run. After all, the right would move on to some other group to demonize and without right-wing media screaming about them all day long, people would forget they were supposed to be afraid of trans people.
But that didn’t happen and now I’m extremely worried about the trans community. They are, as I and others keep saying, the canaries in the coal mine. If we allow the Trump regime and Republican state governments to snuff out an entire group of people, we are complicit. And once we are complicit, it gets easier to look away as they snuff out the next group (which will be the rest of the LGB community). And then the next and the next.
This is what it looks like to be conditioned to accept atrocity. I know I say that a lot but if you’re having a heart attack, do you only want me to scream “Someone get a doctor!” once? Or do you want me to keep screaming and calling 911 and making a huge fuss until you’re no longer dying?
Yeah, maybe keep making a fuss, even if it makes other people uncomfortable because fuck them if they want to look away.
That brings us to the New York fucking Times. They really REALLY would like for you to look away.
After an ongoing campaign to belittle and demonize the trans community in which they have published numerous articles by anti-trans activists but almost none from actual trans people,1 the NYT went all in on dismissing the Trump regime’s build-up to genocide:
There’s a lot of really ugly stuff in there and I could, and might still, write an entire article about Trump’s DEI lies being “positive.” But for right now, I need to focus on this fucking horror show:
Thank you, Bluesky, for posting this stuff because I still cannot bring myself to buy a subscription to this rag eight years after I canceled.
If you’re wondering how bad this is, it’s about as bad as you can imagine:
At first glance, you might think, “Well, at least most of them think Trump’s war on the trans community is bad.” But then there’s the “consequential” axis and they just flush all of their credibility down the toilet.
Here’s a good example of what that looks like in print. This is Megan K. Stack:
That was the nicest one. I’m not going to get into the rest of the “not consequential” and I’m DEFINITELY not going to give space to the assholes who think what Republicans are doing is “positive.”
The point here is that even the people who think this is a bad idea overwhelmingly think it’s no big deal. And this is what the legacy press has been doing for a very long time.
It’s not a big deal because it only affects a few people.
It’s not a big deal because it’s just a little setback for civil rights.
It’s not a big deal because it’s just in a few red states.
It’s not a big deal because it’s every red state but blue states are safe.
It’s not a big deal because people can leave red states where they no longer have any rights at all.
It’s not a big deal because the federal government is constrained by the courts.
It’s not a big deal because the courts are only striking down a few rights.
It’s not a big deal because the courts say they don’t really have any rights, after all. Even in blue states.
It’s not a big deal because there are hardly any left so why make a fuss?
It’s not a big deal because we already got rid of the last group so why complain about the rights of this new group we don’t like? There aren’t that many of them, anyway.
Every one of these Times columnists is supposed to be the cream of the crop. The smartest of the smart. Educated. Well-read. Knowledgable. And yet, not one of the “it’s not consequential” assholes seem to be aware of the well-documented progression of genocide.
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But I rather think they do. I think they are quite aware of it and I think they know exactly what they are doing. The NYT has spent far too much time savaging the trans community for me to believe it’s accidental that the opinions page mostly breaks down into, “Hurting 1.6 million trans people is a good thing” and “hurting 1.6 million trans people is not good but really not a big deal.”
Eager and apathetic. These are the two exact views of trans genocide one would need to push onto the public in order for them to look away. And wouldn’t you know it? Here’s the very anti-trans NYT doing exactly that. What a fucking coincidence!
My bullshit meter is on overload.
When this is over and we chased the fascists out of the country and they’re living in exile in Russia, there must be a reckoning with the legacy press. Never mind the open fealty to fascism of Jeff Bezos at the Washington Post and Patrick Soon-Shiong at the LA Times. There are an awful lot of media outlets that can’t seem to stop themselves from directly helping Trump and Musk at the cost of democracy and decency.
Fuck the NYT. If you haven’t canceled your subscription yet, today would be a good day. Find independent media (besides me) you can trust. Enough is enough. Do not be complicit in promoting genocide against the trans community.
As always, I will remind you that it does not matter what you think of the trans community, or whether you think of them at all. Their rights are your rights. And once their rights are taken away, once THEY are taken away, you’re next because fascists never stop. There is always a new group to hate and demonize and destroy. Always. Unless you are a white, hetero cisgender male with the correct religion, political beliefs, economic background, approved tastes in music and movies, and willing to bend the knee to the ruling elite, you WILL be targeted for elimination or “reeducation” or deportation. Women will be invisible second-class servants. At best.
That’s life under fascism. Once Republicans get a taste for mass murder, they’ll never stop. Remember, these are people who look at Nazis not with revulsion, but longing and envy. You can either stand with the trans community now, or stand alone when they come for you later.
There are 28 days until the first Blue Wave starts in Wisconsin and 245 days until it hits Virginia and Pennsylvania. If I were a billionaire fascist, I’d think REALLY hard about getting out of the way.
I hope you feel better informed about the world and ready to kick fascists in the teeth to protect it. This newsletter exists because of you, so please consider becoming a supporting subscriber today for only $5 a month or just $50 a year. Thank you for everything!
I mean, why in the world would you want to hear from actual trans people about trans issues?! They’re so biased, right? That’s like asking Black people to write about Black issues! And everyone knows that the best people to ask about the Black community are totally unbiased white men.
No, seriously, this is a prevailing opinion in newsrooms and why so many of them are absolute shit.
Trans woman here. I have spent the past year telling anyone who will listen that if Trump was re-elected this kind of stuff is exactly what would happen. But I was told I was being too dramatic. Always by cis people trying to deny my lived experience. Americans mostly have their heads in the sand unless the issue directly affects them or someone they know. And not a single one of us expects fair reporting from the legacy press. The truth doesn't get ratings.
This anti-trans movement makes me sick. Anyone who is upset by a trans person, needs to sit down and talk to them or mind your own damn business!! They are normal, healthy people!! What the hell are these people so damn afraid of? Maddening!!!!