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Happy Thanksgiving! The Og Pod is so thankful for you, our beloved listeners, that we’re offering a 50% discount on a one-year subscription!
Happy Thanksgiving! Not you, MAGA. No turkey for you. You get a pile of shit because that’s all you deserve.
I was in a mood this week so I went on a lot of rants. It’s a very ranty episode. Shannon says it’s an early airing of grievances. Happy Festivus, I guess?
Enjoy your holiday! See you next week and don’t forget to rate the podcast and share it!
Ogre Nation News Update!
1:33 - 2:55 The Ogre’s sad little Thanksgiving story with a happy ending.
3:43 - 16:29 It is now a matter of urgent self-preservation to cut MAGA out of your life.
16:30 - 18:01 A cute little family tangent
18:02 - 34:56 The legacy press is already obeying in advance. Absolutely fucking disgraceful.
34:57 - 46:30 The alt-left drops the pretense that they’re “progressive” now that they think fascism is here. Here’s my surprised face. 😑
46:31 - 1:02:55 Ending on a high note. The legacy press is still trying REALLY HARD to create the myth of the Trump Mandate but it’s all bullshit and the GOP is already in trouble.
Links to stuff we discuss in the show!
The abuse of the House Un-American Activities Committee
For Thanksgiving, Carve MAGA Diehards Out Of Your Life Forever (Banter Edition - Calm
For Thanksgiving, Carve Trump Voters Out Of Your Life Forever (Ogre Edition) - Not calm
“Morning Joe” explosion is a seminal event in American media
Please fuck off, Dana Bash
Medicare for All march called off after organizers say white nationalist "infiltrated" the group - They’re so full of shit.
The alt-left has always been a ratfucking operation. Always. What is Red-Brownism?
End The Criminal Cases Against Trump? Maybe Fuck Off With That Bullshit
Look! Inflation magically disappeared right after the election! Who could have POSSIBLY have predicted that?!
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