The Fucking Fascists Are Coming For The Judges
They own the media. Now they have to destroy the courts.
This is it. This is Germany in the 1930s and what you do will be recorded in the history books. Your children and grandchildren will look back and ask what you did. Will you be able to look them in the face?
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Some things are as predictable as the sun rising. The American voter will do incredibly stupid and self-destructive things at least once a decade. Republicans are cowards who will put greed and self-interest before country and the rule of law every single time. The legacy press will normalize fascism with its dying breath.1
Authoritarians will, upon coming to power, launch a full-scale assault against an independent judiciary. The Musk-Trump regime started that assault this week.
Now, it could (and should) be argued that Republicans have been waging war on the courts for decades. The plot to steal/corrupt the Supreme Court has been in motion since before Reagan tried to put Robert Bork on the bench. It culminated with the theft of dozens of Obama’s judicial appointments, Merrick Garland’s seat, and the 2016 election.
But that wasn’t quite enough. Obama still got through a lot of judges and Biden got through even more than Trump, leaving precious few vacancies to fill2 in Trump’s second term. While the High Court is hopelessly corrupt and there are around 233 Federalist stooges appointed by Trump throughout the judiciary, there are over 500 Obama, Biden, and even Clinton appointees not willing to play along with Musk’s coup. There are another 115 Bush appointees who are conservative but not always reliably fascist. Hell, even some of Trump’s own judges aren’t willing to declare him a lawless tyrant. And it is not at all clear the Republicans on the Supreme Court3 will hand over all of their power, either. And even if they are, they can only take so many cases.
However, dictators like Musk and his puppet president cannot tolerate competing centers of power. That’s why, less than one month into the new regime, this is how the party of “law and order” is talking about, well, law and order.
Here’s America’s official gimp in a suit, JD Vance:
“If a judge tried to tell a general how to conduct a military operation, that would be illegal. If a judge tried to command the attorney general in how to use her discretion as a prosecutor, that’s also illegal,” Vance tweeted. “Judges aren’t allowed to control the executive’s legitimate power.”
Here’s Elon Musk, Donald Trump’s leash holder:
Musk, who has amassed an enormous amount of power in Trump’s administration, tweeted: “A corrupt judge protecting corruption. He needs to be impeached NOW!” He also retweeted an account called “Insurrection Barbie” that mused: “I don’t like the precedent it sets when you defy a judicial ruling, but I’m just wondering what other options are these judges leaving us if they’re going to blatantly disregard the constitution for their own partisan political goals?”
Here’s Dollar Store Heinrich Himmler, Stephen Miller:
“So, as you’re aware, a radical left judge said that the Secretary of the Treasury cannot access the Treasury computer system,” Miller said. “This isn’t just unconstitutional. That ruling is an assault on the very idea of democracy itself.”
Here’s where I remind you that over the last four years, Republicans have lustily cheered for Republican judges literally declaring themselves in charge of large swathes of the federal government. One even declared he could overrule the Commander-in-Chief’s control of the military. That was radical and unconstitutional overreach from the courts. But that was fine because it was Republican judges interfering with a Democratic president’s lawful and constitutional orders.
These days? ANY judge that interferes with Musk’s coup is an obstacle to be ignored and/or removed. What does that look like? This is one way:
And why not? Trump didn’t face any punishment for attacking a judge’s daughter in his New York trial. Why not keep doing it until someone gets killed? That will certainly send a message to the other judges: Stay out of my business or your family could be the next to get it.
But that might not be enough. Stochastic terrorism is imprecise. Also, you can’t use it on EVERY judge that gets in the way or people will sit up and take notice of what you’re doing. And while it might be fun, it takes time and time is something Musk does not have.
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The first real elections are in a little over a month in Wisconsin. If Democrats annihilate Republicans, that’s going to send a clear message to the country that what Musk is doing is not popular. The off-year elections are just nine months away. A wipeout for the GOP there would send a sign to the party that they are vulnerable and Musk’s money and influence are not the shields they were promised.
Musk has to cripple the country right NOW and that means these judges have to be taken care of, immediately. He cannot risk having his plans tied up in court for months on end.
Musk’s choices are as follows:
Ignore the courts
Lie about compliance and keep going
Try to bully the judges
Simply removing judges “because Trump says so”
Have the FBI/IRS/Insert several other agencies here destroy several judges
Investigate someone long enough and you’ll find SOMETHING
Just call them a pedophile and have them arrested
Honestly, it’s hard to say which of these will damage the country more. I feel like Musk will go for a combination of all of them. He already feels that he is above the law. As the world’s richest man who literally bought himself an election and has the President of the United States on a leash like a little bitch, why in the fucking world would Elon Musk listen to a judge tell him he’s violating the law?
But as a compulsive liar, bullshitting the courts and doing whatever the fuck he wants has its own appeal. What’s funnier than lying to a judge in the face and laughing at them while you flaunt the law?
Yet, Musk is also a vicious bully who loves to use troll storms to terrorize people online and in the real world. For a man with unlimited money and unfathomable power, his life is so empty and pathetic, Musk can’t find happiness except in the misery of others. Like an angry little brat pulling the wings off of flies.
At the same time, Trump has already claimed the power to fire whoever he wants, regardless of what the law or the Constitution says. There’s zero reason to suspect Musk won’t have his little doggie start to “fire” judges with lifetime appointments and simply declare it within the rights of the executive branch. The entire Republican Party will trip over itself to agree and dozens of “legal scholars” like Jonathan Turley4 will suddenly discover that this is how the Constitution was meant to be read all along.
Ultimately, as a budding autocrat, I feel that Musk will not be able to resist using the power of the government to simply have his enemies arrested and destroyed. This will be the peak expression of his power over the rest of us. Trump tried to do this repeatedly and was rebuffed in his first regime. Musk will absolutely follow through.
Pam Bondi. Kash Patel. Tulsi Gabbard. These are all people with no morals and a loathing for the rule of law. They will abuse their power in a heartbeat to dispose of judges by whatever means necessary including simply fabricating evidence. After all, it’s how they do things in Russia and that’s the template, isn’t it?
This is the thing we have to watch for, more than anything else. Once they start removing judges, we’re in full dictator territory and it’s time to take to the streets before they twist the military into a Chrsto-fascist weapon to be used against us.
They’re already telling us what they plan to do. Don’t look away and then be surprised when they do it.
There are 47 days until the first Blue Wave starts in Wisconsin and 264 days until it hits Virginia and Pennsylvania. If I were a billionaire fascist, I’d think REALLY hard about getting out of the way.
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“It’s perfectly normal for the Proud Boys to place me and my colleagues up against this wall and point guns at us UUUURRRRK!” - Chuck Todd’s last words, probably.
There are only 42 and judges are refusing to retire so Trump can’t fill their seats. Eat shit and die, fascists.
Alito and Thomas are as corrupt as Trump’s penis is tiny and misshapen. Gorsuch and the drunken rapist (isn’t it weird you know exactly who I’m talking about?) will usually vote for fascism but not ALWAYS. Roberts and Barrett are far too moderate to be relied on to give away all of their power.
Turley can always be counted on to do as he’s told. It’s not for the money which suggests they have him on tape raping a 10-year-old child.