Besides upstanding lawyers and law-abiding honorable (present and former) judges, here's a growing list of Profiles in Courage men, women, and advocacy groups who refuse to be cowed or kneel to the force of Trump/Musk/MAGA/Fox "News" intimidation: [Continually updated, e.g. ABA, Robert Reich, Judd Legum, , Sharon McMahon--suggestions welcomed]

I'll begin with Missouri's own Jess[ica] (à la John Lewis's "get in good trouble") Piper, then, in no particular order, Heather Cox Richardson, Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde, Ruth Ben-Ghait, Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O'Donnell, Chris Hayes, Robert Reich, Jim Acosta, Jen Rubin And the Contrarians, Steve Brodner, Brian Tyler Cohen, Jonathan Bernstein, Jessica Craven, Sharon McMahon, Annne Applebaum, Lucian Truscott IV, AOC, Chris Murphy, Elizabeth Warren, Tim Snyder, Jay Kuo, Robert B. Hubbell, Ben Meiseilas, Steve Schmidt, David Pepper, Judd Legum, Jeff Tiedrich, Josh Marshall, Paul Krugman, Andy Borowitz, Jeff Danziger, Ann Telnaes,­͏ ­͏Juan Cole, Will Bunch, Jake Tapper, Bennie Thompson, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger; American Bar Association, Blue Missouri, Sunrise Movement, Third Act, Democracy Forward, Public Citizen, Democracy Index, Democracy Docket, ACLU, America, America/Steven Beschloss, The Freedom Academy et al. And, as Joyce Vance says, "We're in this together"--or via Jess Piper, from rural Missouri: "Solidarity." FIGHT BACK! WE ARE NOT ALONE!

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Thank you for amassing this list. It’s heartening to realize many of these names are familiar to me, and my friends and I read as widely as we can manage… Good for you. Thank you for this post! (Jess Piper, indeed!) Grateful for this whole community!

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Indeed Larry, we are not alone. I am active ABA & since noon 1/20/25 & after11/5/24 1000's of ABA Members pushed President WILLIAM FAY to act now & not wait for the ABA Summer House of Delegates to resist Trump, Musk & accomplices. DONE.

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“Jake Tapper”

That would be Jake “I won’t be allowed to fact check during the debate? Sure, I’m ok with that. I’m happy to host 90 minutes of broadcasting his lies with no pushback.” Tapper?

That Jake Tapper?

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Yeah, I was shocked that his name was included. I have seen him push back against Ol’ Snake head Stephen Miller, & maybe ONE other guest, but I really don’t watch CNN anymore since they caved under their new management.

If Jake wants to maintain his dignity & journalistic cred, he should quit CNN & join Acosta over here.

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Also..... Jason Provencio (Mouthy Renegade), Thom Hartmann, The Bulwark (Bill Kristol, Charlie Sykes, Tim Miller, Mona Charen, Jonathan V. Last, Sarah Longwell), Erin Reed, JoJoJerz (Joanne Carducci), Michael DeAdder, Indivisible.org, and MoveOn.org.

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“President” Schmusk is a busy man that is dismantling democracy while being head of every federal agency. You say you want a revolution? Don’t you know you can count me in.

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Great fucking read, Justin. You are nailing it.

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Vance as Vp should be disbarred for spreading false information about our judges!!!

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Musk must be driven out of this country, charged with insurrection. trump & jd vance should be IMPEACHED! as soon as possible!! Our Govt needs to stop giving musk money. How many of you know that he is inserting a wireless brain computer interface in monkeys and is now looking for human volunteers.

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Yes, I’m aware that he has been torturing monkeys for years!!! And that he’s recently asked for permission to implant the chips in human brains. I think he was denied.

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It’s time to make demands. I suggest we borrow a page from Franklin Roosevelt. Fuck these fascists. https://brentabrahamson1.substack.com/p/what-do-we-the-people-want?r=3tcdr4

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Drain the Republican Congress and Senate in 2026!!

If you are a voter in Florida, Ny for the special elections vote in a democrat they are the better choice!!!

In Matt Gaetz district it is April 1 ( yes Desantis picked that Date !!

Vote for Gay Valimont.. She will protect our vets and is a great person!!!

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Heads Up TC, Andy Biggs (maggot AZ-5) has introduced "House Resolution(HR) 77.

"Latest Action" & summary per CRS H.R. 77 "Allows Congress to DISAPPROVE multiple regulations under one (1) joint resolution of DISAPPROVAL if the regulations were submitted for review [by whom? Biggs?] during a portion [exactly what time frame?] of the final year of a President's term".


Wednesday REUTER's Update: Biggs' House Resolution 77 "... has cleared multiple hurdles" as Biggs & Gang "... take aim at regulations finalized in the waning days of the BIDEN Administration."

Another front in the War.

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Well….shit. Biggs is a waste of space on earth. 🤬

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That attack on the judge’s daughter was disgusting. I would suggest it is a good indication of how and why these culturally ignorant global kleptocrats have risen to such political and financial power with such speed and still with seemingly little resistance from their ruling class colleagues. Imagine what they must have done in the past and will continue to do in the future to the children and vulnerable loved ones of the less powerfully placed individuals who have tried to stop them ?

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Aren't there any "second amendment people" on the left that could take care of a few of your problems? If you know what I mean😉🤫.

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I’ve certainly thought about it many times, but I’m old & handicapped, so not feasible. I’m hoping his blathering about taking over Gaza & shoving the Palestinians out, will really piss someone off enough to take care of it.

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Jay Kuo suggests that the situation is not actually that dire. He also quotes Josh, Haul-Ass Hawley as writing “Oh, we’re just going to completely ignore the decision? That I think you can’t do. Andrew Jackson did that, infamously. He was wrong on that. That was the Trail of Tears. That was lawless. That was wrong.” Jay also points out that the issue of actually enforcing the order Jackson complained about never came up. https://statuskuo.substack.com/p/the-last-guardrail

The courts are very unlikely to go along with what Trump and the Muskivites (I didn't make that up) want to do, if only because that would put them out of business. And the courts do have a lot of power to enforce their orders. Lucian Truscott IV explained that in detail a few days ago; I don't have a link handy, but you can find it.

And then there are the markets. As March 14, with a possible government shutdown and default coming up, the markets will tell the folks in Washington to get in line. And, in the end, they will. Republicans are particularly obedient to markets when the markets shout.

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Oh, well, if Josh Hawley says Donny Convict will follow the law then clearly we have nothing to worry about.

After all, no Republican would ever say something then completely reverse themselves. Certainly not Josh, a man in unchallenged integrity.

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Right, I believe Josh Haul-ass, as far as I could throw him. Not

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The authoritarian's playbook:

Control the media ✔️

Control the election machinery ❓

Control the universities (that's what the NIH biz is about)

Control the courts (that's what JD's authoritarian dog whistle is all about)

Inasmuch as the MAGA Congress has completely abdicated its authority here's hoping that when push comes to shove John Roberts is actually the institutionalist he has always pretended to be.

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From Project 2025 Chapter 17 Department of Justice page 557

"While the supervision of litigation is a DOJ responsibility, the department falls

under the direct supervision and control of the President of the United States as a

component of the executive branch. Thus, and putting aside criminal prosecutions

that can warrant different treatment, litigation decisions must be made consistent

with the President’s agenda. This can force line attorneys to take uncomfortable

positions in civil cases because those positions are more closely aligned with the

President’s policy agenda.

Ultimately, the department will have to make tough calls as it manages its litiga-

tion, but those calls must always be consistent with the President’s policy agenda

and the rule of law. A line attorney should never either directly or indirectly pursue

a policy agenda through litigation that is inconsistent with the agenda of his or her

client agency or the President.

It's part of the plan...

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Hmm, has f-Elon forgotten that HE has children? Lots and lots of children. Do they all have around-the-clock security details? South Africa has some strict gun regulations, but America sure doesn't.

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That only works on someone who actually cares about their children.

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He doesn’t truly care about those 12-13 children. Maybe he kind of likes little X but I think he’s mostly using him as a security shield from any stray bullets aimed at his head. 🤬

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Many have that feeling…

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