Lear Asset Management? Who the fuck are they? And since when is “private security” allowed to physically remove someone for speaking? The GOP rep was not in harm’s way. She did not have a weapon. She did not rush the stage. She should sue their asses—the GOP rep too—for assault. I hope there’s a lawyer who would take this on pro bono, because it sets a terrible precedent.

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She posted a GoFundMe for a lawyer and got over $40,000 (her goal) in 4 hours.

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Good. I really hope some big law firm would take this on without charging her, or at least have a wealthy Democratic benefactor pay her fees.

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It was up to $118,000 when I saw it

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perhaps people going to these events should take along their pepper spray, for self defense against thugs like these as well as the defense of others. Were I at such an event, and had I had the wherewithal to bring mace, I don't think I would have hesitated to use it, even if it ended up with me being charged with assault rather than the thugs being warded off with it.

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I think that’s a mistake. It would only escalate violence. All the violence has to come from them, not us, and recorded for the world to see.

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Sorry, can't agree. There needs to be retribution or the bullies win. Start punching back and the bullies back down because they're all cowards. Trump is the biggest coward of the all. Punching Nazis should be required of all true Americans.

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Or infiltrating them and then quietly taking out an entire cell.

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Ohhhhhhh shit! I'm still laughing as I'm typing this and shaking my head. Hoooly Fuck! I think we spoke further down the thread (dog spray). Nancy, u and I could never do a protest anywhere together ... we'd be doing a Thelma & Louise after one town hall meeting!! donald would probably call us terrorists!

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I still like the idea of infiltration. Make a batch of chloroform to take along. Do a little spay and neutering before departing. Just jokin', of course. I'd never, never, ever promote violence against assholes.

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He'd fur sur call us that, but we'd enjoy it...right off the cliff.

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I think we need to plaster the faces of these gentlemen who are doing this and plaster it everywhere to find out who they are. The more light that we shine on this the better off we will be. If they want to do something like this then they damn well need to be identified.

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Anybody got some facial recognition software? Names could be linked to faces. I for one, wouldn't be averse to supporting this woman's right to file assault charges against these three (and their overlords). It's pretty obvious she's being assaulted.

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Huh? I didn't see any gentleman there. We saw men with no badges, thugs with no identification harassing an incredibly brave and strong woman. How many people were in the audience who just sat there, watching, many taking videos, and they didn't defend her - a hundred spectators - 150? There were no gentleman present

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More fittingly, why didn’t any women made the thugs?

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Apparently one man did defend her. He was hauled out, too...

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Those are no gentlemen- that i can assure you

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Also plaster the face of the Repub who called these men/not gentlemen

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I just called the Coeur d'Alene Convention and Visitors Bureau to tell them that my extended family had planned to run the marathon in May, but now that I had read about what happened and had seen the video, we are no longer coming. The woman I talked to was very nice and apologetic, and I said I knew it wasn't her fault but we didn't want anything to do with a place like that.

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I will not go to Idaho. I will not spend money there. I do not support their policies. It is a beautiful state but shameful people.

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And publish their names. I’m ok with doxxing bullies who violate others’ rights.

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And where's the pictures and names of MuXk's litter of MuskRats? Those should be all over the web.

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Oh, but people on social media unmasked all the guys present -- including the fat ass (who's a local voiceover actor) that called her "little girl."

I expect some people to get fired by the end of this week.

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Maybe, North Idaho is HARDCORE Neo-Nazi Aryan Nation infected every aspect of community life since the early ‘80s. Lots of “turn the other cheek” folks in Couer de’lane.

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That's what I heard from a lady who works there but lives in Seattle. She say's most of them have guns, and if they're wearing them they'll use them. A lot of militia, MAGA, white supremists the whole nine yards and that some 'pretty scary things' happen there. Not a part of the world I would like to live in. She also said no one would dare to help that poor lady because of these people.

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Yeah, even Western WA has pockets of Neo-Nazi/Aryan Nation/KKK groups that dominate Northern Idaho.

I have lived in L.A. since '98, but grew up in WA State Kitsap County (my mom still lives there) across from Seattle since 1980. Moved there from Yokosuka Japan where I was born (Navy Brat). In the mid '90s I went to my home district high school NKHS for 1 year, my sophomore year, to try it out after going to the GREAT TEACHERS, FAR MORE DIVERSE, FUN for everything - sports, arts & after school programs - school district CKHS near Naval SubBase Bangor, where both of my parents worked since I was in Kindergarten.

That 10th grade year was the worst year of school in my life. Local Neo-Nazi groups along with Grand Wizard's KKK leaders would literally stand on NKHS school property by the busses when school got out and hand out flyers to come to their "pizza parties" to spread their hate to vulnerable students (or already racist ones). It took a nearby Native American Tribe parents protest whose members kids mostly went to NKHS (as they only had an Elementary & Special Needs School on Tribal Land) to finally get attention of these White Supremacy groups trying to teach hate/recruit the vulnerable before local police started doing something about it.

But a group of my friends and I of mostly white kids, the 1 black kid of NKHS, and me the Hawaiian Polish mixed kid, did our own protest one evening of their scheduled "pizza Hate parties. We knew were the Neo-Nazi punks lived, mostly in the project housing just a mile north of the town's tourist hub, we stealthily toilet papered and egged their housing & vehicles, and screamed "Fuck Neo- Nazi's!! Fuck the KKK!!" as loud as we could (all packed in our friends parents mini-van) as they came out, we screamed louder, they went back in and then came out with baseball bats as we fled home with our "Fuck the KKK!" chants out the Ford Aerostar's sliding door…

Suffice to say I went back to CKHS for my Junior & Senior years of high school were I had to make up for poor grades that 1 year at NKHS, but I was so much happier.

We even went back to NK my senior year in 1994 with our CK student formed social justice group called "The Family" to perform skits and share/discuss issues of race, equality along with an acapella/hip hop dance show - all to encourage calling out hate groups even as teens, which unironically, I faced first hand because of that 1 year at NKHS.

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Nothing wrong with letting people know how u feel lol. I allegedly attended an egging myself back in the day. I never understand those type of people, they hold so much hate inside them. I hear sometimes it's a generational hate going back several times. That scares me and makes me sad at the same time. I feel sorry for the children who are taught to hate as soon as they can understand and never get a chance at a normal life. At the end of the day, I would chose to stand against them than with them just like u did. I know that we both made the right choice.

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So where do we get a hold of their names?

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The men in black work for L.E.A.R. Asset Mgt.

CEO: Paul Trovette 707.489.9663 is the phone #

Sheriff who 1st approached her & filmed the whole event

Ph: 208.446.1300

Speaker who said they had to get rough with certain people, and that he could yell over them cuz he had a mike

Ph: 208.209.7170

Have fun.

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I sure hope so!

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I’m appalled at the ppl sitting around her, just filming. It’s like that lady that assaulted the Palestinian couple, or the lady who thought because a girl has two moms she was trafficked and tried to pull her away from her moms. The craziest, cruelest ppl have been emboldened. And NO ONE not a single person stands up. Ordinary people do far better on that show where they set up scenarios to see if people will step in, What would you do or something like that. Most ppl step right up and defend the victim. I shall emulate that type of courage when necessary. Fuck these Nazis and their blatant war on free speech!!! They will NOT win!!

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Not altogether correct to say not one person stood up. Several people stood up, took out their phones and recorded it. I am beyond disgusted. Everyone who recorded but did nothing to assist her are POS’s.

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Multiple filmed witness statements are important and effective. Probably beats what I would do, which is wade in and get my own self arrested.

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I did read a good suggestion - get up and lock arms encircling her, to protect her. If men won’t do it, we must.

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The only thing they were missing was jackboots and red swastikas on their arms. We must all stand united ... or we will all fall together.

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Form your resistance cells now.

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Everyone keeps talking about 1930s Germany. Bruh this is present day Russia. Turning the government into what their’s looks like right now. FBI and CIA will be the FSB and SVR. This private security is just an unnamed version of Wagner or some other PMC.

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Exactly. They're literally following Putin's playbook, just like Orban has. Now, we have a literal fucking Russian asset squatting in the Oval office and, low and behold, everything he's done since taking office appears it could've come straight from Putin's wish list.

Meanwhile, it's amazing how many times we've learned about Republican officials conspiring with, cheering on, and chumming around with Russian operatives over the past 10 years and yet, the whole damn country still pretends like each new story is a shocking first. Their whole damn party has been working with these fuckers for a long time.

Just a couple years back, down here in Flori-duh, there was a Republican candidate running against Republican Anna Paulina (another traitorous freak) in a primary for Charlie Crist's open seat. He got caught in a recording saying that he had access to Russian/Ukrainian assassins and he was going to have her killed. Naturally, after he fled the country and "investigations" were opened, they basically claimed "nothing to see here". Most recent reporting stated he was being held in the Philippines awaiting extradition and then.... nothing since. A far too common occurrence anymore.



This is just one of dozens of stories in which these fascists have been exposed having direct ties with Russian operatives, criminals, oligarchs, and intelligence agents over the last 8 -10 years.

Anyways, once again you're exactly right. We're well on our way to becoming Russia 2.0...

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Take note my fellow women, LGBTQIA+, BIPOC and disabled communities… my sisters & brothers!! They are coming for ALL of us, we must stand up AND protect each other!

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The lady in my life, who spent 15 years in Idaho before escaping back to sanity in western Oregon tells me the state is "Nazis and Mormons and you can't tell the difference."

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I will say as those guys dragged out the doctor, there were women behind her who yelled at those guys about why they weren't identifying themselves. But the men around her sat on their hands. Not very impressive. Idaho is such a red state, they put red states to shame.

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From Lear’s website: “Remember: In security, weapons are not the real threat; they change. It’s the mindset of the threat that we help identify and mitigate.” I think that translates as Thought Police 🤔

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i saw the video, it was creepy. people were recording on their cell phones, but no one stopped them, and they had no badges or identifying uniforms. but they were all dressed alike. of course it was a woman, and of course it was in Idaho. 🤦🏽‍♀️💔

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And what would you do to stop them? I know what I would have done, and I also know that by doing it I would 1) escalate the incident, 2) most probably been arrested, if not beaten up and then arrested, and 3) charged with assault for macing the three assholes. I gotta hand it to Teresa Borrenpohl though. At least she bit one of them. I hope she drew blood.

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Nancy, I read a suggestion to get up and lock arms to encircle her. I think that might work. We need to pre-think plans for peaceful protest and protection.

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I like that lock arms suggestion, the more in the circle the better.

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i think that locking arms around is a good idea. i think we will all be needing to know what to do when we see something like this happening. yes, it may escalate as Nancy pointed out or maybe also be arrested but it may also make others emboldened to help and also resist. i am very afraid but that is what they want, for me to be afraid. they can go to hell.

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Great idea. We need to be prepared with a plan of action!

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Yes, she got one of the fuckers, good for her. That's what I would have done ... leave my claw marks on their faces, bite, scream as loud as I could one continous blast and try and kick them in the nuts if they threw me on the ground. I carry my coyote/ dog spray with me everywhere I go now, dog or no dog with me.

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You go girl. Locked arms, plan A, pepper spray, plan B

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Always gotta have a Plan B lol.

Stay strong and safe hon, take care

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Thanks. U 2!

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While exercising your First Amendment rights don’t forget your Second Amendment rights as well. Isn’t that what red states are all about?!?

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>> “Though the company that provided security for the event has been identified, town hall organizers and Kootenai County Sheriff Bob Norris have claimed no knowledge of the security personnel or who hired them.” <<

But Sheriff Bob Norris was directing their actions. He had no knowledge of the brownshirts he was giving orders to?

How does that work?

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How do you know a republican is lying ? His lips are moving. Nothing they say matters, it's all lies.

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Stupid people ( PLAYING ) dumb

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And where are the men? The ones who support women? Why are men not putting themselves right beside these harassed women.

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It's because those weren't men in that room, they were tiny dicked, insecure, pathetic fucking cowards masquerading as men. I've known far more of their type than I have ever cared to know. Typically, the bigger the truck, the more tattoos, the more guns, and the more they pretend to be "alpha males", the more insecure and fucking pathetic they truly are. Apparently, Idaho is oversaturated with these pussies...

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