RFK getting raked over the coals at a Senate confirmation hearing would be highly entertaining. Doubly so for Mike Huckabee, who’s just as despicable as his daughter, Sarah.
It is all so overwhelmingly effin tragic on so many levels
Hopefully there are a few decent republicans with spines to Push back
Sounding more like the end is near.
The rule of law having been a joke for the past decade is now the same rule of law that will give him his dictatorship because the good side lives by the rule of law
Hannity was just awful tonight, even more than usual. He was outright lying about “Trump supports choice” (while avoiding the abortion side) by lying about vaccine mandates. I really wanted to throttle that smug SOB.
I’m imagining a scene where Brainworms surprises his benefactor with a healthy salad made of fresh crisp organic veggies which will be so good for him. And that overbred ex-junko will leave the room wearing them.
Agreed, that if necessary there need to mass protests. That being said, I truly hope our military contains enough true patriots, with allegiance to the Constitution, to disobey what would clearly be illegal, illegitimate orders from Mango Mussolini.
Justin, I think you overlooked the greatest and most damaging nomination of Tulsi Gabbard. She will guarantee complete isolation from all of our allies and the death of our ability to even try to keep track of threats.
Juxtaposing Israel and atrocities a little to close Ogre. Yes, the IDF propably got a little worked up because of 10/7 but hey, reap what you sow. Hamas lies and the western world goes all "deer in the headlight" eyed. Ever seen a starving Palestinian in the news? Not me. I've seen alleged Palestinians in a scrum but you gotta be pretty healthy to scrum and in those same pictures, no faces sunken from a lack of food. I can show you proof positive of a real genocide and what those victims look like. Check out the pictures of the piles of starved bodies waiting to be burned in the Nazi crematorium circa 1945. Or check out the starved children of Darfur. That's what a genocide looks like. Burn it into your retinas so you won't get confused next time the subject comes up.
Nothing like saying we shouldn't minimize the atrocities committed by Hamas (I agree) while then doing exactly that for atrocities committed by the IDF.
Not minimizing or denying the horror of the Holocaust, nor of the atrocities taking place in Darfur, Sudan, et. al.; nor of the slaughters of Cambodia, Rwanda, the Uighur peoples - I could, sadly, go on. "Never again", until the next time.
With all that being said, I do suggest studying-up on the meaning and events of Nakba, the history that led up to it (one needs to go back to Napoleon for the full story), and the complicity of the "Great Powers" in these events.
It just keeps getting worse. Every day I die a little more inside.
I get it. But every day we need to get a little more motivated and active, too.
RFK getting raked over the coals at a Senate confirmation hearing would be highly entertaining. Doubly so for Mike Huckabee, who’s just as despicable as his daughter, Sarah.
It is all so overwhelmingly effin tragic on so many levels
Hopefully there are a few decent republicans with spines to Push back
Sounding more like the end is near.
The rule of law having been a joke for the past decade is now the same rule of law that will give him his dictatorship because the good side lives by the rule of law
And we know which side has all the guns
Christ almighty
Good Republicans at this point that sounds like a oxymoron
Hannity was just awful tonight, even more than usual. He was outright lying about “Trump supports choice” (while avoiding the abortion side) by lying about vaccine mandates. I really wanted to throttle that smug SOB.
Well, it’s not like the Supreme Court’s gonna stand in his way
I’m imagining a scene where Brainworms surprises his benefactor with a healthy salad made of fresh crisp organic veggies which will be so good for him. And that overbred ex-junko will leave the room wearing them.
Agreed, that if necessary there need to mass protests. That being said, I truly hope our military contains enough true patriots, with allegiance to the Constitution, to disobey what would clearly be illegal, illegitimate orders from Mango Mussolini.
• An Open Letter to Trump Voters •
The True Cost of Your Willful Ignorance and Vile Idolatry
Justin, I think you overlooked the greatest and most damaging nomination of Tulsi Gabbard. She will guarantee complete isolation from all of our allies and the death of our ability to even try to keep track of threats.
I'm not going to hold my breath, but I'll reStack ASAP 💯👍
But, just maybe, the trains will run on time.
Black dog , the continue thread section won’t come up no matter how I try.
Juxtaposing Israel and atrocities a little to close Ogre. Yes, the IDF propably got a little worked up because of 10/7 but hey, reap what you sow. Hamas lies and the western world goes all "deer in the headlight" eyed. Ever seen a starving Palestinian in the news? Not me. I've seen alleged Palestinians in a scrum but you gotta be pretty healthy to scrum and in those same pictures, no faces sunken from a lack of food. I can show you proof positive of a real genocide and what those victims look like. Check out the pictures of the piles of starved bodies waiting to be burned in the Nazi crematorium circa 1945. Or check out the starved children of Darfur. That's what a genocide looks like. Burn it into your retinas so you won't get confused next time the subject comes up.
"Yes, the IDF probably got a little worked up"
Nothing like saying we shouldn't minimize the atrocities committed by Hamas (I agree) while then doing exactly that for atrocities committed by the IDF.
Not minimizing or denying the horror of the Holocaust, nor of the atrocities taking place in Darfur, Sudan, et. al.; nor of the slaughters of Cambodia, Rwanda, the Uighur peoples - I could, sadly, go on. "Never again", until the next time.
With all that being said, I do suggest studying-up on the meaning and events of Nakba, the history that led up to it (one needs to go back to Napoleon for the full story), and the complicity of the "Great Powers" in these events.
Genocide is genocide.
The legacy media has perfected multiple orgasms