Your point about it being an entitlement is spot on. It’s not really any different than any other pension. I’ve paid into my 401K and am entitled to the payout when I retire. What’s not an entitlement is a fucking billionaire believing he is entitled to huge tax cuts and impose his racist shit on all of us. Anyway, thank you for being one of the view to point out that social security is in fact an entitlement and that’s not bad.
The repubelicans can fuck all the way off. They don’t get to redefine a word because they don’t like the actual meaning of it. And the rest of us need to stop letting them fucking do that!
Yet that is exactly what they are doing with abortion. They now claim any contraception is an "abortifacient" which has a very real specific definition, but not to them, and don't get me started on the so-called "heartbeat bills" there is no heart at six weeks !
I've been paying in to social security since 1981, when I was 16 years old. Because of the way that social security was originally developed, most people draw out more than they ever put in. My father lived to 95, for example, so he probably drew more than he ever put in. I am not likely to do that, but if Trump and company wish to shit can the social security system, first I want to check for all of the money I put in over the last 44 years. Once I know that check has cleared, I can invest it myself and will be happy to handle my own retirement. But fair is fair. I paid in with the expectation that I could draw out. If you're not going to honor that, you should just say it out loud. I can help you with the words. They are, "I am a lying son of a bitch."
When they 86 SSI it will leave a lot of us oldsters with nothing to loose. Kind of like all those macho men movies where men have nothing to loose so they start taking names and kicking ass to get revenge, except Srs will have nothing to lose and short time. I think we could take care of the problem.
The resistance is growing against FDJT and Elon every day -- and they back down when people push back HARD. And FDJT targeting Social Security is going to be a MAJOR target on vulnerable Rs up next year -- looking at you, Senators Tillis and Collins!
Someone said that Amy Covid Barrett had a look of revulsion at the speech last night, and earlier today, the SCOTUS rejected FDJT's bid to cancel a $2B contract for USAID (Barrett was the 5-4 majority).
I think that they never stand during these speeches because of the appearance of partisanship. However, with the Roberts court, the proof is in the pudding & their decisions over the past eight years plus the godawful Presidential immunity decision show that the partisan ship has sailed.
I don’t think we’re in fucking Kansas anymore. Democrats shamed themselves again at Tuesday night’s Trump rally. Jeffries and Schumer have to go. There are fighters in the Democratic Party but they are blocked by fossils. By the way, age is not an automatic entry into fossildome. Props to Democratic Rep. Al Green for recognizing and exercising civil disobedience. Democrats lost the opportunity to stage a public protest. Something beyond red dresses, pocket Constitutions, and neatly worded signs. Jeffries ordered that there would be no demonstrations. There was his demonstration that he’s no leader.
Absolutely Nunya. I used to think he would be a good leader. He isn’t. Both leaders, House and Senate) are from New York. Maybe it’s time we looked elsewhere for a while. I’ll suggest Jim McGovern.
These stupid imbecile MAGAs can be the ones to go to the Capital the way they did when they lost-by 8 million! They will lose their Socialist program, called Social Security, they will lose Medicaid & Medicare. Prices will go through the ceiling since Mexico, Canada & China, UK are retaliating against the tariffs put on them by our traitorous, felon-rapist illegal White House Occupier! These stupid imbeciles deserve it all, but not the rest of us.
If Elmo actually takes Social Security away from us, I predict something that will make January 6th look like a Sunday school picnic. He apparently forgets that this is the most heavily armed country in the world and millions of Boomers will have absolutely nothing to lose. I've been paying into Social Security since I was 14. That's my fucking money, not an entitlement.
What the hell is wrong with people. I can name ppl that all they have is social security. wtf start saving!! HOW? The people that say this stuff are not in the real world. They DO NOT KNOW HOW HALF THIS COUNTRY LIVES. 🤬
“The only way to keep Medicare running will be to hand the entire thing over to the healthcare companies.” So they can make even more money and provide minimal coverage.
What do you think able-bodied seniors will do? And what about those who are not able bodied? Someone here keeps saying people in SS should “save money” against the coming debacle. Save what? I make $1600+ a month. With inflation my “buying power” is nonexistent. Where are my savings supposed to come from? Not my SS benefit for sure.
I live in a subsidized apartment. I’m not sure who actually supplies the money for the subsidy. Feds? State? A combination? Haven’t a clue. So when I don’t get my benefit, how will I pay my rent? Will I be forced to relinquish all my possessions? I won’t be able to continue paying rent on my storage units. Then what?
It’s hard for me to stay awake anymore. Yet I never seem to get enough sleep. I’m always exhausted.
This may be the breaking point that takes the American people to a place of tar and feather, ride them out of town on a rail or French Revolution course of action. I really hope that this gets smacked down by the courts, not that Trump and his cronies care about anything the courts say. They're going to do what they want regardless of the law.
Your point about it being an entitlement is spot on. It’s not really any different than any other pension. I’ve paid into my 401K and am entitled to the payout when I retire. What’s not an entitlement is a fucking billionaire believing he is entitled to huge tax cuts and impose his racist shit on all of us. Anyway, thank you for being one of the view to point out that social security is in fact an entitlement and that’s not bad.
Unfortunately that is not how republicans define the word. To them it is a gift, that you, should not have.
The repubelicans can fuck all the way off. They don’t get to redefine a word because they don’t like the actual meaning of it. And the rest of us need to stop letting them fucking do that!
Yet that is exactly what they are doing with abortion. They now claim any contraception is an "abortifacient" which has a very real specific definition, but not to them, and don't get me started on the so-called "heartbeat bills" there is no heart at six weeks !
I've been paying in to social security since 1981, when I was 16 years old. Because of the way that social security was originally developed, most people draw out more than they ever put in. My father lived to 95, for example, so he probably drew more than he ever put in. I am not likely to do that, but if Trump and company wish to shit can the social security system, first I want to check for all of the money I put in over the last 44 years. Once I know that check has cleared, I can invest it myself and will be happy to handle my own retirement. But fair is fair. I paid in with the expectation that I could draw out. If you're not going to honor that, you should just say it out loud. I can help you with the words. They are, "I am a lying son of a bitch."
“... I want a check for all the money I put in ...” -- and I would add: PLUS compounded intetest
Plus inflation. When I started working in 1966 minimum wage was $1.25! In 1968 our 2 bedroom apartment was $90/month.
When they 86 SSI it will leave a lot of us oldsters with nothing to loose. Kind of like all those macho men movies where men have nothing to loose so they start taking names and kicking ass to get revenge, except Srs will have nothing to lose and short time. I think we could take care of the problem.
Been paying in to the system for over 50 years. You bet your ass I’m entitled to it. Just like I’m entitled to my IRA.
The resistance is growing against FDJT and Elon every day -- and they back down when people push back HARD. And FDJT targeting Social Security is going to be a MAJOR target on vulnerable Rs up next year -- looking at you, Senators Tillis and Collins!
Someone said that Amy Covid Barrett had a look of revulsion at the speech last night, and earlier today, the SCOTUS rejected FDJT's bid to cancel a $2B contract for USAID (Barrett was the 5-4 majority).
They also did not stand for ANY of the performative-trained-seal-clapping standing O's that the republicans did for the Orange sex pest.
I think that they never stand during these speeches because of the appearance of partisanship. However, with the Roberts court, the proof is in the pudding & their decisions over the past eight years plus the godawful Presidential immunity decision show that the partisan ship has sailed.
Trump is a fucking moron- a greedy, entitled, white trash piece of shit who needs to be gone - impeach piece of shit
You left out
4. He doesn't need Social Security and will never see such a check, so what does he care?
Alas, I doubt that they will blame Trump and/or Musk when SS and Medicare are privatized and stripped of their funding.
No, the blame game will target Biden and the Dems, and the Republicans will fall in line and insulate Trump from any blowback
So true. But at some point, they’ll see that their leader will not help them, even if they believe Biden did it all.
This blame everyone else game is old. People expect it. They are NOT invincible, just predictable. That actually helps.
That is also how they are trained to think, they want to shoot us!
I don’t think we’re in fucking Kansas anymore. Democrats shamed themselves again at Tuesday night’s Trump rally. Jeffries and Schumer have to go. There are fighters in the Democratic Party but they are blocked by fossils. By the way, age is not an automatic entry into fossildome. Props to Democratic Rep. Al Green for recognizing and exercising civil disobedience. Democrats lost the opportunity to stage a public protest. Something beyond red dresses, pocket Constitutions, and neatly worded signs. Jeffries ordered that there would be no demonstrations. There was his demonstration that he’s no leader.
What’s the deal with Jeffries, anyway? He couldn’t be less effective as a Democrat if he was Joe Manchin.
Absolutely Nunya. I used to think he would be a good leader. He isn’t. Both leaders, House and Senate) are from New York. Maybe it’s time we looked elsewhere for a while. I’ll suggest Jim McGovern.
100% Correct!
These stupid imbecile MAGAs can be the ones to go to the Capital the way they did when they lost-by 8 million! They will lose their Socialist program, called Social Security, they will lose Medicaid & Medicare. Prices will go through the ceiling since Mexico, Canada & China, UK are retaliating against the tariffs put on them by our traitorous, felon-rapist illegal White House Occupier! These stupid imbeciles deserve it all, but not the rest of us.
If Elmo actually takes Social Security away from us, I predict something that will make January 6th look like a Sunday school picnic. He apparently forgets that this is the most heavily armed country in the world and millions of Boomers will have absolutely nothing to lose. I've been paying into Social Security since I was 14. That's my fucking money, not an entitlement.
What the hell is wrong with people. I can name ppl that all they have is social security. wtf start saving!! HOW? The people that say this stuff are not in the real world. They DO NOT KNOW HOW HALF THIS COUNTRY LIVES. 🤬
And they don't give a fuck.
This just only proves how stupid the people are that voted for him.
As if we needed more proof.
“The only way to keep Medicare running will be to hand the entire thing over to the healthcare companies.” So they can make even more money and provide minimal coverage.
What do you think able-bodied seniors will do? And what about those who are not able bodied? Someone here keeps saying people in SS should “save money” against the coming debacle. Save what? I make $1600+ a month. With inflation my “buying power” is nonexistent. Where are my savings supposed to come from? Not my SS benefit for sure.
I live in a subsidized apartment. I’m not sure who actually supplies the money for the subsidy. Feds? State? A combination? Haven’t a clue. So when I don’t get my benefit, how will I pay my rent? Will I be forced to relinquish all my possessions? I won’t be able to continue paying rent on my storage units. Then what?
It’s hard for me to stay awake anymore. Yet I never seem to get enough sleep. I’m always exhausted.
This may be the breaking point that takes the American people to a place of tar and feather, ride them out of town on a rail or French Revolution course of action. I really hope that this gets smacked down by the courts, not that Trump and his cronies care about anything the courts say. They're going to do what they want regardless of the law.
If they fuck with social security MAGA will burn Washington and Tesla to the ground. Yes, I will suffer but I’ll be watching with a bowl of popcorn.