The Legacy Press Historical Revision Tour Continues
They want to erase Joe Biden SO badly...
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For the last couple of years, a thought has been bubbling in my mind that one of two things was going to happen after Joe Biden left office:
He was going to be heralded as one of the greatest progressive presidents in US history for his masterful reworking of the economy to benefit the average American.
He was going to be smeared under a mountain of bullshit to make sure no Democratic president ever tried to follow in his footsteps ever again.
We’re getting a pretty clear picture now and it’s looking like the legacy press is going all in on #2. What a fucking surprise.
Here’s the latest attempt to just ignore reality:
Cool. Cool. Republicans were laughing their asses off when the price of gas soared after Russia invaded Ukraine. They had these cute little stickers they were plastering all over gas stations with a little Joe Biden pointing at the price of gas that said “I did that!” LOL! The press was more than happy to report on that. Goddamn Democrats not solving a problem they didn’t cause!
But then Joe Biden did something literally no American president has done in our lifetimes: He kicked OPEC1 in the balls. No one kicks OPEC in the balls. Except Biden did. He kicked them in the balls so hard, he made OPEC back down. No one makes OPEC back down. Except Biden did.
Did you know about that? Probably not because even though President Dark Brandon broke OPEC and forced them to raise production, thus lowering the price of oil/gas, the press simply…didn’t talk about it. Chris Hayes did an excellent segment on how Biden beat the shit out of OPEC and forced them to stop fucking around with oil prices.
You know who else made a big deal about this? Absolutely fucking no one. Oil prices plummeted and people don’t know how it happened. The legacy press made a huge deal out of $5 gas but just forgot to talk about gas prices when they dropped. Almost like reporting positive news wasn’t good for their business model.
Kind of like reporting how when Biden threatened to go after price-gouging grocery chains and, like fucking magic, Target, Walmart, and other grocery chains started to cut their prices. That got headlines for a day or two and then the legacy press went right back to “Are we heading for a recession?!”
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Joe Biden delivered for the average American and the press did everything possible to downplay or ignore it. Now they’re doing their level best to erase Biden’s accomplishments. It’s important to remember that at the end of the day, the legacy media is owned by billionaires and massive corporations and Joe Biden did not work for them. He worked for us.
And what he was doing was working. That’s what the legacy press found so threatening. A country pulling out of economic decline is a boring country. A country fixing roads and bridges and dams is a booooring country. A country with jobs and good wages and healthcare and affordable housing is a boring fucking country. Where’s the drama? Where are the spicy stories about scared and angry people protesting in the streets? Where’s the corruption and scandal if Republicans aren’t in power? How’s a newspaper supposed to make a profit!?
Worse, a population not drowning in debt and begging for scraps from the rich is a population that starts to realize its power. The Great Resignation absolutely freaked the legacy press out. They fucking hated it and wouldn’t stop complaining about how fucking terrible it was that people were quitting their jobs.
“Quiet quitting” was another one that sent the press into a frenzy of umbrage. How fucking DARE the peons not slave away for their paychecks?! What do you mean they’re only doing the work required of them and not one little bit more?! That’s not fair! Don’t they know that companies depend on unpaid labor so the rich can buy more superyachts?! What the actual fuck?!
And all of these unions spreading and these strikes and demands for more pay and time off and better work/life balance?! Jesus Christ! What is this? Communist Russia?! This is goddamn America where the rich leech the work from everyone else!
But all of that is going to end now. Republicans are going to blow up the economy and send tens of millions of people into a desperate scrabble. No more rising up to reclaim what the rich have stolen because we’ll be too busy trying to pay rent or put food on the table. That’s the point of keeping us on the brink of economic ruin. We’re too distracted to see them looting the country and stealing our future.
THAT’S why Joe Biden and Kamala Harris had to go. That’s why Joe Biden is going to be erased. More than any president since FDR, Biden represented an existential threat to the money and power of the oligarchs trying to seize permanent control of the country.
When we push them back out of the White House, and we will, we should be wary of the people who tell us how much of a “failure” Biden was. How we should pursue “centrist” policies and abandon progressive goals. I’m no wild-eyed radical but we all saw it for ourselves. Bidenomics was working and it was scaring the shit out of the very people who hate us the most. People like Elon Musk and Peter Theil and all the other soulless billionaires who think they own the world.
Fuck those assholes. This is OUR country and they can’t fucking have it. They can smear Joe Biden all they want but we’re not going to forget what he’s done for us and when we take back the White House, and we will, we’re going to pick up where Biden left off.
There are 335 days until the first Blue Wave and it starts in Virginia, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.
I hope you feel better informed about the world and ready to kick fascists in the teeth to protect it. This newsletter exists because of you, so please consider becoming a supporting subscriber today for only $5 a month or just $50 a year. Thank you for everything!
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Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. Basically, all of the greedy little shits in the Middle East that sell oil and loot their own countries.
Ok, at least I think it’s good work and a lot of you seem to agree. 😁
We all owe Joe a debt we can never repay. All we CAN do is make sure his legacy is not forgotten
At least half of the electorate is so tuned out they don't realize they're being screwed. Probably quite a few of Steinbeck's temporary embarrassed millionaires in the bunch as well. George Carlin had it right when he said "It's a club. And you ain't in it."