Per HCR this morn (Where would we be if we didn't have HCR?) :

On July 28, 1974, Representative Bill Cohen (R-ME), who went on to a long Senate career but was at the time a junior member on the House Judiciary Committee. . . told the Bangor Daily News, “I would never compromise what I think is the right thing to do for the sake of an office; it’s just not that important. Only time will tell if the people will accept that judgment.”

It’s a good week to remember that politicians used to use as a yardstick the saying: “As Maine goes, so goes the nation.”

(BTW HCR lives in--and is from--Maine)

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Thank God for HCR!

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Yes, we were known as "the whitest state" when I grew up there in the 70's. It has changed a bit, southern Maine has always been more progressive. (there are of course, some great people up north in district 2 as well. But they tend to have the highest trump-supporters up there)

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Oppression of trans and NB people is also very much about oppression of women, or anyone who is not a cis man. Enforcement of gender binary (according to assignment at birth) means women can be “kept in their place”

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Yes, I'm surprised the TERFS bought that lame argument of taking rights away from cis-women. More women, means more of us to defend each other, who cares how you got here? Welcome my sisters. (and brothers of course.)

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I’d say, there aren’t any trans people in your life *that you know of*. I remember a long time ago when i discovered someone I knew was trans. I literally had no idea the cute, short boyfriend of a woman in my grad program had previously been a woman.

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Great point - a lot of us cis people are convinced we "can always tell" - and we totally cannot.

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100%. I have a trans family member and you wouldn’t know if you didn’t know.

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P.S. And certainly: "

"The Fight Over Trans Rights Is About YOUR Rights, Not Just Theirs"

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Yes, just as in the fascist regimes of the 20th century, attacks on rights of the LGTB community presage attacks on the rights of all who do not bend the knee or fit the mold. As the mother of one trans person, and the aunt of another, I will never bend the knee.

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They are the canaries in the mine.

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I'm a trans person in your life.

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Glad to have you!!

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I've been trying to tell people this for at least the past year. But what do I know know? I'm just a hysterical trans woman. /s

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I've been beating the same drum as you for the past year that we are in 1930s Germany, and he's conditioning people to accept atrocities. It's the frog in the pot of boiling water. We saw it in Nazi Germany and we're seeing it here. Fuck them. I'm well armed and will take some with me if it gets to that point. And living in GA I can see it coming to that point. Better to die on your feet than live on your knees. I seem to remember we fought a Revolution over not being ruled by a king.

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Wow. That exchange with Gov Janet Mills really had Donny Convict showing all his insecurities in just 30 seconds.

✔️ Desperate need to declare himself popular.

✔️ Terrified of a woman who stands up to him.

✔️ Scared toddler promising vengeance when called on his shit.

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As someone who has many trans/NB/GNC people in my life, (oh yeah, and is a trans woman, herself) I want to say thank you. Calling attention to the fact that all of us will sooner or later be in the crosshairs is essential. We need everyone to be awake to these dangers.

Speaking for myself, the sooner we stand up together, the safer we will all be. In no small part because there will be more of us.

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Fuck em up Og! 💚

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