Public Schools Lead The Way On Trans Rights, Showing Us The Difference Between Profits And People
When your job is the children, not the money you make from them, you give a shit.
This is it. This is Germany in the 1930s and what you do will be recorded in the history books. Your children and grandchildren will look back and ask what you did. Will you be able to look them in the face?
These are dark times but I will continue to tell the stories you need to hear in a clear (and usually profane) voice. If I entertain/anger/inform you, preferably all three, please consider becoming a supporting subscriber today for only $5 a month or just $50 a year $25 a year while the 9000 OMG sale is running!
It’s been a hectic couple of days. I wanted to write about this earlier in the week but there was so much other news dropping, I just couldn’t get to it. I love to write but there’s only so much I can pump out in a day, you know? And Wednesday I spent hanging out with the girls1 so it is what it is.
But now I have a minute to get to this so here we are, two profiles. One in courage and one in abject cowardice, both courtesy of Erin in the Morning.
By now, you should be more than aware that Trump has signed numerous executive orders targeting the trans community. They are overwhelmingly illegal and exist to further the projects of trans genocide and Trump’s lawlessness with the goal of conditioning the public to both so they will accept the atrocities Republicans are planning to commit in the near future.2
Let’s start with the abject cowardice.
But…but…mah profits!
Last week, Trump was given an executive order to sign and he did so like the mindless monkey he is. I promise you, he had no fucking idea what it was and if any reporter had the nerve to ask Trump for the details, he would have had them thrown out of the room.
Anyway! The EO, which Trump could not explain if you put a gun to his head or a dozen McDonald’s cheeseburgers on his desk, states that “It is the policy of the United States that it will not fund, sponsor, promote, assist, or support the so-called ‘transition’ of a child from one sex to another, and it will rigorously enforce all laws that prohibit or limit these destructive and life-altering procedures.” Curiously, the definition of “child” has now been extended to 19. Last I look, 18 was considered an adult. As in, they’re old enough that it’s none of your fucking business.
Then again, I’m old enough to remember Republicans spending millions on ads screaming about Obamacare getting in between patients and their doctors. Big government was evil. Until it wasn’t, I guess. My, how the times change when fascism comes a’calling…
Erin in the Morning reports that a bunch of hospitals are obeying in advance:
Throughout the past week, multiple children’s hospitals across the country have signaled their intent to comply with President Donald Trump’s executive order targeting transgender healthcare, despite the order lacking a clear enforcement mechanism beyond funding threats and conflicting with established law in many states where these hospitals operate. Internal communications obtained by Erin in the Morning reveal that University of Colorado Health has informed physicians it will cease all gender-affirming surgeries for individuals under 19 and stated that it “cannot endorse” hormone replacement therapy for this age group. Similarly, Denver Health has confirmed it will halt all surgeries for minors but has not clarified whether it will continue providing hormones.
It’s worse than it looks because many of these cowards are in blue states that have laws protecting the trans community:
A number of the hospitals pulling back on care are located in blue states that have explicitly designated themselves as “sanctuaries” for gender-affirming care. Sanctuary laws exist to provide legal protections for transgender healthcare, making bans difficult to enforce. The decisions of these hospitals to preemptively comply with Trump’s executive order stand in direct contradiction to state healthcare policies designed to protect access to care. This is a textbook case of institutions surrendering before a fight even begins, bowing to political pressure despite the lack of any immediate enforcement mechanism.
These hospitals are caving to pressure to protect their funding. Now, they could make an argument that they need that money to help the far larger number of non-trans patients. But that’s a slippery slope. Today it’s trans “kids.”3 Tomorrow it’s trans adults. Then it’s abortion. Then it’s tube ligation. Then it’s healthcare for gay men. No more vaccines because we don’t believe in those anymore.
Where do the hospitals draw the line? When does protecting their funding stop being more important than the health and lives of their patients? Or does it never end because profitability is the only metric that ever really mattered?
In the meantime, it’s become very vogue to blame the trans community for the abuse the Trump regime is heaping on them. Here’s “liberal” Brianna Wu doing exactly that:
Yeah…I don’t know who touched Wu in her No-No Box to make her lash out at the trans community like she has been for the last couple of years, but she can fuck all the way off with this. I’m just as terminally online as she is and the only way you could feel like trans rights were trying to “conquer” you is if you feel threatened by trans people in the first place. Otherwise, someone demanding equal rights and protection under the law doesn’t affect me in any way whatsoever.
As for causing the blowback? Tell that to the Haitians living and working in Springfield, Ohio. Literally no one but the people living there even knew about them until Republicans went looking for someone to hold up as a new target for their rabid base of mindless bigots to rage at. Because that’s what Republicans do. It’s what they ALWAYS do. It’s the only play they have in their playbook.
The Republican Playbook:
Cut taxes for the rich.
Gut government services for everyone else to pay for the tax cuts for the rich.
Blame everything on a rotating cast of marginalized groups to distract the imbeciles to win elections.
Repeat steps 1 through 3.
Perhaps Wu thinks the Haitians brought it on themselves? Maybe the gay community forced Republicans to target them in the early 2000s? Maybe Women forced Republicans to spend the last 50 years stripping them of their reproductive rights? Maybe Muslims forced Trump to ban them in 2017? Maybe librarians and teachers were, in fact, trying to conquer us with CRT a few years ago? That sounds plausible, yeah?
Maybe maybe maybe. The list of groups Republicans have attacked in just the last decade is longer than my arm. And I’m using a very tiny font. They can’t all be to blame, Wu. Maybe you should sit down and shut the fuck up. Go see a therapist and figure out why trans people freak you out so much?
OK, that’s enough of these jerks. On to the heroes.
Public Schools tell Trump to fuck off
When my home state of Virginia fell prey to propaganda and elected a Republican as governor in 2021 (we have off-year elections), Glenn Youngkin immediately set out to burnish his MAGA credentials by attacking trans kids. He ordered school districts to deadname students and refuse the use of their preferred pronouns and bathrooms. Most of our school districts told Youngkin to fuck off.
Trump, naturally, did exactly the same thing and the response has been…pretty much the same according to Erin in the Morning:
On Thursday, multiple school systems and representatives issued statements rejecting Trump’s executive order that directs schools to discriminate against transgender students or face legal consequences. The order, released Wednesday, labels transgender identity as an “anti-American ideology” and mandates discrimination in bathrooms and locker rooms while threatening teachers with criminal charges for supporting trans students’ social transitions. In response, school officials across the country are making it clear: they will not comply, and they remain committed to protecting the rights of their transgender students.
And it’s not that the school districts are just ignoring Trump. They’re planting a flag and saying, loudly, “Fuck you. We will not comply.”
On Thursday, Julie Yang, President of the Montgomery County Board of Education in Maryland, issued a forceful response to Trump’s executive order in a mass email to families. Representing a school district of 160,000 students, Yang affirmed that Montgomery County would continue to recognize gender identity as a protected characteristic. “We stand by our community and school system values, which include learning, relationships, respect, excellence, and equity. They guide us every day and anchor us when navigating difficult times. We intend to use all legal means necessary to uphold them… On Thursday, Julie Yang, President of the Montgomery County Board of Education in Maryland, issued a forceful response to Trump’s executive order in a mass email to families. Representing a school district of 160,000 students, Yang affirmed that Montgomery County would continue to recognize gender identity as a protected characteristic. “We stand by our community and school system values, which include learning, relationships, respect, excellence, and equity. They guide us every day and anchor us when navigating difficult times. We intend to use all legal means necessary to uphold them… We are committed to maintaining local authority over our curriculum, teaching, and learning. And we will fiercely support our teachers and staff as they implement our curriculum and policies.”
Now, one could argue that the key phrase here is “We are committed to maintaining local authority over our curriculum, teaching, and learning.” We are a fiercely independent culture and we do not like being told what to do by the federal government even under ideal circumstances.
I submit, however, that this is not what is happening here. As demonstrated by Virginia schools under Youngkin, educators understand the assignment: The children come first. And they act accordingly.
When Republicans cry “Protect the children!”, what they actually mean is, “Use the children as a cudgel against the people we hate.” We know this because when we ask them to protect the children for real, Republicans invariably respond with, “LOL! Eat shit, you little snot-nosed brats!”
Prenatal care for pregnant women? Fuck you.
Food, clothing, and shelter for newborns? Fuck you.
Healthcare and education for children? Fuck you.
School breakfast and lunch? Fuck you.
Get guns off of the streets and keep schools safe? Fuck you.
Raise the age of consent to 18? Fuck you.
End child marriage? Fuck you.
Don’t force little girls to have babies? Fuck you.
No one hates children more than a “pro-life” Republican.
But schools? Teachers? Admins and Superintendents? They do protect the children. They’ve literally taken bullets for them. There’s not a “Moms for Liberty” that would throw themselves in front of a gunman to save someone else’s child. They’re too busy quoting Hitler and trying to erase Black, Latino, and LGBTQ students.
Public schools are not motivated by ideology or by profit. They do the job because they love the children and when someone threatens them, ANY of them, the claws come out.
THAT’S what it means to protect the children. That’s what it means “to do no harm.”
Maybe the spineless hospitals obeying in advance should remember what their actual mission is. Our schools never forgot.4
Trump is coming for the Department of Education next because he’s been told to by his billionaire puppetmasters. Public education is, and remains, a threat to the Republican project to return America to the dark ages. Get ready to march because our schools have been there for the most vulnerable of us. Now it’s time to fight for them.
There are 52 days until the first Blue Wave starts in Wisconsin and 269 days until it hits Virginia and Pennsylvania. If I were a billionaire fascist, I’d think REALLY hard about getting out of the way.
I hope you feel better informed about the world and ready to kick fascists in the teeth to protect it. This newsletter exists because of you, so please consider becoming a supporting subscriber today for only $5 a month or just $50 a year $25 a year! Thank you for everything!
We played “Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes” (OMG) on the Xbox and then watched Deadpool 2. It was an awesome day. :)
You ARE being conditioned. Yes, you. Right now. You are being conditioned to look away when the cattle cars start rolling because you looked away from the “small stuff.” None of it is small when you understand that each step leads to greater abuse.
Isn’t it weird that Republicans think 15-year-olds are not old enough to make decisions about their identity or whether or not they want a baby but they’re 100% old enough to give birth or marry a 40-year-old Republican pedophile?
This is precisely why Republicans have been trying to destroy them for decades and why Trump is being told to sign an illegal eo dismantling the Dept. of Education.
Brianna is such a pick me. The trans community doesn't claim her any more than we claim Caitlyn Jenner or Blaire White. If you're willing to throw your fellow trans people under the bus to prove you're one of the "good ones" you are not, in fact, one of the good ones.
Mad respect for the teachers fighting back and a big 🖕🏼 to hospitals obeying in advance.