Damn Ogre, you really give me a lot of hope. Like, yeah, I kinda hope people care enough about me as a transwoman to not shove me in a for-profit prison where I can look forward to slave labor, rapes, and eventual pentabarbitol to put me out of my misery, but for fucks sake, put my wellbeing aside for a second and pay attention to the clear end goal. This is about self-preservation, through and through. Either resist or assist. There's no middle ground left to stand on.

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All of that, 100%.

If I hear one more "the Democrats lost because of pronouns" from an alleged fellow lefty liberal I'm gonna scream. The Democrats lost because of racism, misogyny, and a massive Russian disinformation campaign, full stop. They did not lose because they recognized the humanity of an oppressed group that constitutes less than 1% of the population.

These "this is why we lose elections" troglodytes are letting their transphobia hang out for everyone to see. Same as their homophobia was showing in 2004 when, as you say, they blamed Kerry's defeat on gay marriage. Somehow Kerry's total mismanagement of his response of the Swift Boat campaign and Darth Cheney's "you're all gonna die in terrorist attacks if you don't vote for us" (you know, the guys who were asleep at that the switch when the actual terrorist attack occurred!) didn't seem to register.

But God forbid you call these people out on their transphobia or homophobia (or racism or sexism or whatever the "it won't win" trope is animating them today) because they know they're pure of heart!

I don't know how many times we have trot out Niemoller but clearly we need to keep doing so. A gigantic number of Democrats need to sit their (no doubt) white asses down on the toilet and re-read the fucking poem.

Thanks for calling them out.

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>> "If I hear one more "the Democrats lost because of pronouns" from an alleged fellow lefty liberal I'm gonna scream." <<

I keep asking the folks who say that to show me all the speeches or commercials Harris or Walz made talking about trans people. Hell, show me just ONE.

'Cause I can sure show them a shit-ton of commercials and speeches and interviews when Republicans lied there asses off about how trans rights were the only thing Dems talk about.

Being a Republican means you have to lie, all the time. Because the only things they can come up with to complain about Democrats are things shit they make up.

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I saw that whole convo between you and Most Assuredly a Dumbass. Ugh. If trans rights aren’t important enough to be human rights, then none of us have human rights.

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Thank you for my new slogan:

You cannot “meet in the middle” with people who peddle hate.

You are totally correct when you warn us:

"The right will never concede anything. There is no give and take. There is only take. The right does not move on. They only wait until they can try again. Roe was never settled law. Gay marriage is not settled law. Fucking Interracial marriage is not settled law. Brown v Board of Education Is. Not. Settled. Law."

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“This was in response to a post I made about Gavin Newsome sitting down with the loathsome Charlie Kirk and agreeing with the little bigoted toad about trans girls playing sports.”

You’re not alone on that, Ogre. Another person I like to listen to is Keith Olbermann, and this morning he laid into Newsome. Newsome, Olbermann says, wants to be president so bad he can taste it. In Olbermann’s opinion he threw that all away with his sit-down with Kirk.

From this curmudgeon to an Ogre, you done good!

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As a California Democrat, I urge fellow Democrats elsewhere not to look to this state for national leadership. California is as one-party as Texas, with the same political result: the Best And The Brightest don't end up in office here more than occasionally. The only reason I voted for Newsom in the recall was to stick it to the Right. I do hope Kamala runs for governor here and wins, because that will keep her offstage in 2028.

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Honestly, I thought what little I'd seen of him was okay till I heard that, it's a no thanks from me now.

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All I can think about is the quote attributed to the former Nazi sympathizer Martin Niemöller:

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

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Well put, Ogre. Many on the left are finger wagging and upset with decorum. They're still playing with the playbook from the 90s. I know I'm not taking the high road to a concentration camp

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If people can't see what is happening, right in front of our fucking faces, I have no idea what we can do to change their minds. Thank you for your writing. I look forward to seeing it in my inbox.

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My apologies to the trans community. I think you aren’t getting the attention you normally would, but who knows better than you that nothing is normal anymore. I know how very much this means to you. I also know how very important Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid is for me. I know how much I want to see the people as concerned as I am. My children are worried about their jobs. They’re wondering why their voices aren’t being heard, but most importantly is our democracy! that trumps all else. That’s where my energy is going right now, with equal time and energy praying “God help us all 🙏”

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A blessing on you from my family—you give me hope.

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Hoo Dawg, OO! Well said, every single word! One of my protest signs says:


Shame in not speaking out, as the Niemoller quote said, for so many things the Trumpfucks are doing to every single one of us. Trans rights are human rights. I live in California and for the most part I liked Newsome, but goddamn, WTF, he's been swilling orange Kool Aid.

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Liberals are fucking morons. I’m glad some people understand that appeasement only empowers Fascism. The “moderate” who wants to throw the most marginalized Americans under the bus in order to curry favor with the murderous rightist no friend of progress.

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I am a liberal and I am not a fucking moron. Perhaps a slight modifier here? Thank you.

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is no friend of progress*

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Dayum… I knew MAD’s posts got under my skin in a major way, but I’d never sat down to put a label on it with everything else that’s been going on.

Thank you for this article. These talking points are exactly what I’ve been using to speak to ppl in my day to day life. A lot of those I speak with seem to hide behind “infallible democratic systems” that have to protect them in the end. After all, they’ve stood strong against all manner of things in the past, right? When I frame our problems this way, they seem to shake off some of the stupor and start looking for answers and solutions. It’s effective.

In addition, we’ve been playing the “find common ground game” for over a decade & where has it gotten us? Corporations have decimated the quality of life for the everyday citizen. We’re the richest nation in the history of the world, with the some of the poorest social safety nets. Health care, food assurance, retirement, public education, higher education all decimated in the name of “common ground” and “trickle down economics” that were always performative and disingenuous either way. The Conservative Party has been a front for white Christian nationalism, fascism, oligarchies, and kleptocracy for decades - maybe since inception. Anyone arguing against that is being dishonest.

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Wow. Thank you. I have no dog in the trans race or with Newsome but that does not mean I will stand by to see the hate being spread.

The de-fund the police was stupid and probably was a faux news plant. But now we have the Washington DC and Minneapolis MN mayors trying to erase the George Floyd plaza's and paint over the murals like it never happened. Do not meet on the give up side.

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Defund the Police was a stupid slogan for a good idea. Even the cops will tell you that they shouldn't be doing half the stuff they do. They're not trained for it but we ask them to do it anyway because we don't want to fund other groups who ARE trained. Like, why is a cop being asked to deal with mentally ill people? Ever? Or people on the spectrum?

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Since I have a subterranean low pain threshold for political idiots, I have no trouble hitting the cancel/block at TAFM. MAD would have his green card cancelled - my interpretation of "free speech" is "intelligent speech." Disagree with me all you want, but don't bring fuckheaded bullshit and parade it as intelligence.

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I had my own exchange with Mutually Assured Douchewad this past week also. Few can be so self-righteously wrong and so sure their nonsense is a sign of intellect that their shit almost literally leaks off the screen. Came damn close to having to disinfect my monitor.

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