Holy Smokes! 6,000 Subscribers!
And I didn't even have to take money from Russia to do it. 😜
I made it to 6,000!!!!
Look, I promise, sooner or later, I WILL stop with the whole “OMG! How is this happening?!” thing. But you really have to understand where I’m coming from.
I started writing as a fluke in 2009 as a stay-at-home parent. Jordan would be asleep, the apartment would be clean, and I had time to kill. So I started writing for what would eventually become the doomed website Addicting Info.1
I only wrote for myself for a very short amount of time on a website of my own before Facebook killed it by strangling all political news that didn’t pay to play.2 Aside from that brief foray into freedom, I’ve always written for other sites which meant I had to follow their rules, aka, tone it down.
Oh, I could curse a little bit but don't get too carried away. And no, I couldn’t say I wanted to watch Nazis die a slow and painful death while eating popcorn and drinking a beer.
In other words, I couldn’t speak in my own voice the way I really wanted to.
But then I started this newsletter and said, “Fuck it. I’m going to write whatever the fuck I want however the fuck I want to write it. People will either read it or they won’t.”
The core rule stayed the same, of course: Never lie. And why would I? The best part of being a liberal is never EVER having to lie about Republicans. They’re so cartoonishly evil, there’s no point. Just reporting what they say and do in full context is more than enough to convince any rational person they are dealing with absolute monsters.
Now? Now I can write with my full Brooklyn attitude and be unapologetically vulgar about people who deserve to be spit on at every opportunity. Maybe that wouldn’t have been acceptable 15 years ago. These days, I am far from alone in expressing my loathing for the unforgivable scum of the right.
Roll up your sleeves, people, we have a lot of Nazis to curb-stomp and these fuckers deserve everything they have coming to them.
Democracy did not die in November of 2024 but the assholes have their knives out and it's up to us to keep them from their bloody work. Despair and surrender are what they want. Resistance is what they’ll get. Stay strong. We beat the fascists once and we’ll fucking do it again.
There’s a Black Friday Sale coming. I’m not saying DON’T subscribe now but if you wait, you can save money.
Doomed by the greed of the “liberal” owners. Fuck you, Matthew. Fuck you, Daniel.
Eat shit and die, Zuckerberg. You think you’ll be safe on your compound when you and your billionaire buddies finish fucking the world? LOL. You’ll be the first ones we come looking for, you little shit.
I always want to know when you hit milestones! Someday it might get old, but it isn't yet! Congratulations!
Celebration 🎉 Time 💯👍