Fuck You, WaPo, I Do NOT Have To "Understand" Trump Voters
They're racist assholes and you're scumbags for trying to whitewash them.
Democracy did not die in November of 2024 but the assholes have their knives out and it's up to us to keep them from their bloody work. Despair and surrender are what they want. Resistance is what they’ll get. Stay strong. We beat the fascists once and we’ll fucking do it again.
There’s a Black Friday Sale coming. I’m not saying DON’T subscribe now but if you wait, you can save money.
Like many of you, I simply disengaged from the entirety of legacy media the day after the election. Most people did this to avoid reading or seeing anything about Donald Trump because, seriously, fuck that asshole. It’s going to be four long years of listening to his bullshit. Why rush it?
But a lot of people also felt betrayed by the press, even if they weren’t quite sure how to articulate it. “Sanewashing” had gained a lot of traction a few months ago because, at last, there was a word to capture what the legacy press has been doing for almost a decade now. But people understood it was more than that. I certainly did because I’ve been writing it about it nonstop since 2016 when the press made the collective decision that Trump was great for their bottom line. They would give him all the oxygen he would ever need while forever looking away from every crime, scandal, and gaffe they would gleefully use to end anyone else’s political career.
But part of my job is setting the legacy press on fire and dancing in the ashes. I can’t do that if I unfriend and block them forever.
The sacrifices I make for you, my beloved audience.
Still, that brings us to this pile of shit editorial the day after the election from the Washington Post.
First, I’d like to reiterate my stance that the Washington Post can fuck itself forever for not endorsing Kamala Harris. Would their endorsement have made a difference? No. But that’s not the point. It showed a moral cowardice and an unwillingness to stand up to fascism, all of which is on display in their editorial:
As the nation readies itself for another four years of Mr. Trump, it’s understandable to fear the worst — but healthy to hope for the best.
Fuck you. The best? What would constitute “the best?” That when Trump forces your spineless billionaire owner to sell your paper to Rupert Murdoch, all of you get to keep your cushy, very well-paid jobs so you can be propagandists for Trump’s fascist regime? Is THAT what you mean by “hope for the best?”
Democracy requires accepting the results however much one wishes they had come out differently, and even when the victor himself has failed to do so in the past.
No, seriously, fuuuuck you. You just spent four years normalizing a violent attempted coup and the lead insurrectionist as a normal politician. At no point did you treat Trump as the threat he was. You literally wrote more articles about Biden’s fucking age than you did about Trump’s attempt to overthrow the government of the United States. I hope there is a hell and you all burn in it.
Those understandably worried about another Trump term need also to keep an open mind regarding the reasons it is occurring and how, in fact, Mr. Trump broadened his support, forging a diverse coalition.
You tone-deaf twatwaffles. Can you imagine saying to the Jews being carted off to the concentration camps, “Listen, I know this looks bad but you really need to keep an open mind regarding the reasons this occurred and how, in fact, Mt. Hitler broadened his support, forging a diverse coalition.”
Oh, but it gets worse:
It won’t do to dismiss a majority of the country as biased, ignorant or otherwise basely motivated.
A majority of the country? Allow me to introduce you backstabbing scumbags to basic math:
Trump voters: Around 76 million (it was less the day after the election but whatever, the count is still going)
The population of the United States: 335 million
76/335 = 22.6%
22.6% of the country is not a majority. Not that the WaPo editorial board knew this at the time, but Trump didn’t even win 50% of the popular vote! Even in winning, he’s a fucking loser!
But you know what, I guarantee they wouldn’t change a thing about this op-ed. Not one word. Sucking up to fascism is the point and they’re sucking on that phallus harder than a closeted Republican.
But wait, there’s more! Here’s the money shot:
…indeed, the condescension of elites is itself a factor against which his voters were protesting by supporting him.
There it is. They just couldn’t stop themselves.
I wrote an article back in 2018 that addressed this exact thing: Dear Republican Voters: Stop Blaming the Left. You’re Trash. Own It
Honestly, I’m still surprised Ben Cohen let me publish it as is:
And that goes for all the sniveling little pissants hiding behind their hurt feelings as the reason they’re still voting for Republicans: Fuck off. Every last one of you is a fucking liar.
You’re trash. You’ve always been trash. When liberals were polite, you were trash. When liberals got a little rude, you were still trash. Now that we’re tired of your shit and treating you like the trash you are, you’re mortally offended and blaming us for being trash? Get the fuck out of here.
None of that has changed. The very idea that people voted for a literal Nazi because we hurt their feelings and that’s our fault is offensive and the editorial board of the Washington Post and eat a bag of dicks for trying to blame us.
Here’s my favorite comic that perfectly captures these fucking whiny little bitches and their bullshit victimization:
My favorite part is how WE’RE the fucking elites. Donald Trump is a literal billionaire. He was bending over for Elon Musk, the richest man in the world. Trump had more billionaires funding his campaign than any Republican in American history and he literally told the oil industry to give him a billion dollars and he would make their every dream come true. But fucking DEMOCRATS are the fucking elites?! Eat shit and die, WaPo. Eat it slowly and die a lingering death.
Are we done here? Of course not. There’s one last element missing from this rancid ode to fascism: The obligatory attack on…identity politics. because of fucking course they were going to get to that:
One key error was to lurch leftward ideologically. Ms. Harris herself staked out several unpopular positions, including a ban on fracking and support for taxpayer-funded gender-affirmation surgeries for undocumented detainees.
I saw a comic a few days ago that was spot on and not in the way the asshole cartoonist wanted:
Are you even surprised this is in the Washington Post? I wasn’t. They clearly did not watch Harris’ actual campaign. They watched the fictional campaign fabricated by the right and amplified by the legacy press.
In that alternate reality, when the press tried to push Harris into playing identity politics and she refused, they just went ahead and said she did it anyway. A single statement of support for a non-mainstream policy became “Harris Campaigns On Extreme Position!”
This is how the Washington Post can say, with a straight face, that Harris campaigned in any way on trans issues. She didn’t run from it, but in no universe can it be said that she ran on it. Trump spent hundreds of millions on fabricating that lie and the legacy press went right along with it. Even after the election, WaPo cannot stop itself from pushing this unreality. Partly to justify Trump’s “win” and partly to absolve themselves of their complicity.
The most galling thing about this editorial, and it’s something we’re going to increasingly see in the coming months, and I will be writing it about it, a lot, is the underlying premise of the whole thing: We have to understand and accept the anger of Trump voters. After all, they won, right?
Fuck you.
No, we don’t. MAGAland is filled with racists, fascists, misogynists and every last one of them is an asshole. They have made it clear that they are cruel, violent, and in love with evil. They are not good people. They will never BE good people. Don’t fucking tell me I have to meet them halfway or compromise with them. They literally talk about concentration camps and mass murder. What the actual fuck is wrong with you? Are you THAT in love with your privilege and station in life that you’re willing to look away as long as you’re safe and the paycheck keeps coming in?
God, you’re fucking despicable. Some of you quit after Jeff Bezos blocked the Harris endorsement. Good on them. They still have a soul and a moral compass. The rest of you? You’re fucking quislings and we’ll never forget how you worked with the Trump regime to try to murder democracy. You’re going to lose and we’re going to remember whose side you were on.
Put THAT in your fucking editorial.
There are 350 days until the first Blue Wave and it starts in Virginia, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.
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I think the idea that we have to accept the anger of the MAGA voters because they won is very telling. Because they will NEVER not be angry. Just like Dear Leader. Many of them are incapable of feeling a wider range of emotion that sheer anger. It will NEVER end. Because even when Orange Shitler's tax cuts, tariffs, budget cuts make it clear to them what morons they have been, the anger will just get worse. And SOMEHOW, they will find a way to blame us. You know, the elites. And they can simply fuck all the way off!
Interesting no trad media ever wrote a story about how those people need to understand progressives.. how angry they are and how the winner needs to be gentle their feels.. nope. We need to understand them! Got it. WaPo saysays f us and our feels