And a big fuck you very much to those who didn't vote at all. You stood by and did nothing, and that's how the bad guys win.

Gee, it's almost like there's a catchy saying about that.

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Yes. Those, too.

Every last self-righteous asshole and their bullshit “both parties are the same”, “it’s all rigged by the corporate elites so my vote doesn’t change anything”, “I didn’t vote as a protest” excuses.

They don’t get to step aside to make way for the arsonist and then say they had nothing to do with the building catching fire.

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Yup. The "lesser of two evils" argument is a willful choice to enable th greater evil. Fuck all of them.

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...With a rail road tie.

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I’m scornful of the Trump voters who came out a third time (I’ve since written my Trumper brother out of my will) but I’m very resentful of the Arabic populations in Michigan who voted for the orange clown because they thought Biden was pro genocide (no he wasn’t). And now thanks to their stupidity, I expect FDJT (and that Huckabee liar) to let Bibi raze Gaza into a big pile of rubble.

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Yeah, they wrote to Trump to ask him to stop the war in Gaza. The fucked around. Now it's time to find out what they voted for. I feel bad for their friends and relatives in Gaza. They signed their death warrant.

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And I have a Jewish friend on the flip side of that coin who thinks Trump is just peachy-keen for Israel since he moved the embassy. She wants us to agree to disagree, and I'm all yeah no, fuck being happy for U.S. christofascism cuz you think he's gonna do Israel a solid. I'm just happy she can't, and did not, vote in the U.S.

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“She wants us to agree to disagree”

Just another way of saying “I know I’m wrong but don’t want to be held responsible for it.” Fuck they. They don’t get to vote for genocide and then just shrug it off like it means nothing.

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I begged my sister, who is 55 and never voted, and implored her grown sons to vote. I explained over the past years how a trump administration would harm the country, & me personally (will have to move out of the country if ACA, Social Security & Medicare are stripped away, my husband’s small business would be decimated by reduction in labor & tariffs). I reviewed all of the environmental calamities happening, & that will continue to happen. That women would die & immigrants enslaved. I texted them links to NJ voter registration. None of them voted. My sister, who I have done more for over the years than anyone in my family, just said “I don’t like trump or Harris”

Now I’m not talking to her. The non voters are just as complicit as trump voters. Fuck them all. They are ruining lives.

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“Now I’m not talking to her.”

Good. Painful as it may be to cut family and friends out of your life, good.

Whether they voted for Trump or stood on the sidelines and just let him happen, they showed they were perfectly fine with your life being destroyed. You own them nothing but making sure they face a consequence for it.

NOT holding them responsible, not making them pay a price would make you complicit as well.

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My sister has never voted either, but she's paranoid that she's a "targeted individual" and the gov't is trying to kill her with magic microwaves beamed from....somewhere. After 21 yrs of that kind of crazy, it don't matter one whit to her who's running the show.😵‍💫

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At every opportunity they need to be reminded of their guilt, complicity, and fealty. When his policies come back and hurt them or someone they know or love remind them that they voted for this. If it hurts their fee-fees remind them that..*ahem* "Fuck Your Feelings" as the MAGA merch says.

No Mercy.

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You can't claim to be motivated by "economic concerns" when the economy is better now -- by every available measurement -- than it was 4 years later, especially when you had one candidate laying out concrete proposals to stop any kind of price gouging at the grocery store and the other one simply lying about things. When you had one candidate who was part of an administration that has worked to bring back unions versus a candidate whose chief advisor moved his company to Texas to avoid all sorts of employee benefits. You can't claim to be motivated by the idea that things will get "better" when you already seen how bad things got under the regime of the fatman. And to those anti-Israel voters, well if you thought anything that the fatman promised you had even the veneer of truth or possibility, foolish you. When Gaza is wiped off the map and Jared opens up his luxury hotels on the newly cleared beachfront property, maybe you'll be able to stay in them. (Too cynical?)

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From the AP on the Russia-Ukraine war: “President-elect Donald Trump has said he could quickly end the war, though it is unclear how or in whose favor he might tip the scales” Who are they fucking trying to kid? MAGA will be responsible for this tragedy too.

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Oh for fucks sake.

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Exactly. What part of “Putin can do whatever the hell he wants” is not clear? 🤔🙄

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As a child I lived in the deep South for a short time. Our neighbor was a family from Germany. The husband fought on the German side of the war. I was friendly with the kids and my mother with their mother. My dad was courteous but not happy about socializing with the husband. A few years later my mother told me it was because my dad, a pilot in WW2, did not want to befriend a man who chose to possibly die for the German "cause" instead of pledging his life to the resistance. It was a moral issue for him. I get it now. I have one friend who has willingly voted for the rapist twice and likely voted for him again or wrote in someone. I haven't been able to see her or speak to her since. Because for me this is also a moral issue. She chose to elect this felon who will seek to do serious harm to people for one of three reasons. 1. Self interest. 2. Racism or 2. Cult member. Any one of these squarely places her in the category of someone who is morally bereft. Bye bye.

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I canceled Apple tunes and will spend my five bucks here. You express my thoughts.

Also on today's topic, please check out Lucian Truscott's piece at salon.com. Enablers indeed share guilt. An abbreviated version is up on his stack.

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I welcome it too because we are on the side of right. I don't want to be liked by Nazis. We care about what happens to everyone they only care about themselves. Their whole "Look what you made me do, you made me vote for Mango Mussolini because you hurt my feelings," is getting old. They want to be selfish assholes with impunity? No way! When this hits, and it will hit hard, I am never ever ever letting them forget. Ever. Thank you for so eloquently stating what I have been feeling. I went off the other day on someone I care about said ti was Kamala Harris fault Trump supporters didn't understand tariffs because she should have made the economy central to her campaign. If she had they are argued, she could have hammered home what a tariff was and golly gee why don't people want to take the time to talk to people and teach them any more? When I angrily pointed out that 1) This same person was aways going on and on about how ignorance is no excuse in the modern era because we have the internet 2) that Kamala Harris spoke often about her economic plans and her ideas were outlined on her website 3) that it is time to make the party of personal responsibility responsible for their own bullshit he started back peddling, saying, no, no, it wasn't saying Kamala Harris fault but the democratic party because yeah, she was busy. Democarts should have really educated people on tariffs maybe using School House Rock style education resources, because blah blah blah--of course this person is a conservative who will laugh at the absurdity of liberals, but seem to think Republicans can do no wrong. So yes--it is time to hold their feet to the fire, time for accountability because the lack thereof is how we got here.

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Oy, Alicia! Check you DMs!

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“The Washington Post, doing its part as a propaganda outlet, immediately shifted to “We just need to understand their rage!” reporting”

Their rage? Their rage? They fucking won. What about MY rage?

This is the first article I have made it all the way through since Nov. 5. It is spot on. Last time we ll tried to “understand their rage”. And guess what. It was racist, misogynistic, fascist, me me me, I take and take and take bullshit.

We are now hearing the same stupid song, second verse.

Wolfendale is eloquently spot on.

The trump voters deserve all the blame for what is coming. They were offered hope and joy and turning the page and real policies and programs from competent knowledgeable people that would make their lives better. Instead they chose hate and fear and fascism and total incompetence. They chose to give their money to the already rich. They chose to take a way rights from half the population, more than half if you include LGBTQ. Prices will go up. Jobs will be lost. Public health will be gutted. Will we be able to get produce in our stores? It if all the brown people are rounded up and deported. Farmers will not be able to get their crops to market. The few remaining independents will sell out to the giant corporate farming industry.

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I love this piece! Thank you so much for writing it! I’m very grateful that I found you on here. I agree with you completely, they absolutely need to be held responsible for their bullshit! And I agree with you on everything else you’ve written here. I look forward to seeing more of your pieces. Please stay safe, you help keep me sane and give me a well needed laugh with your harsh truths and reality checks. Thank you for everything you do! 🥰🫶🏻🥰🫶🏻

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What about those who didn’t vote at all?

There are SOME for whom voting was made very difficult by voter suppression laws, working seven days/week, hit by a natural disaster, completely uninformed, etc. Am I just making excuses for those people?

I’ve already gotten rid of any friends, lovers, and family members who I know voted for TCF.

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“Made difficult” was a crime but it can’t be an excuse. Working hours may make it difficult but losing some hours of pay is a bargain compared to the consequences of Trump winning. “Uninformed” is just plain bullshit when his Nazi plans were what he put as the forefront of his campaign.

So yes, absent a natural disaster that literally made it impossible to vote, those who didn’t vote at all are very much equally to blame.

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Definitely subscribing on Black Friday!

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Subscribed as promised!

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I wish I knew too!

But I also to say what a great essay this is. You nailed it Mr. Ogre! You need an alias now so you can go underground and locate those dangers to society who are threatening you and all of us.

Finally, do you see any connection between the ranting white supremacists and all the ads for generic cialis is and viagra on tv?

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“You need an alias now so you can go underground”

No, we all need to stand up together and support/defend each other now so that nobody has to go underground.

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You mean, other than the fact that they all, obviously, need it? 😉

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Thanks for helping me get my mojo back, with a healthy dose of cussing.

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100% Justin.

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Bravo! Keep fighting, keep resisting!

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