Democracy did not die in November of 2024 but the assholes have their knives out and it's up to us to keep them from their bloody work. Stay strong. We beat the fascists once and we’ll fucking do it again.
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Florida is beginning to forcibly detransition trans women in prison. Not just by denying them the hormonal treatments they require, but literally shaving their heads and pushing them into drug and therapy regimes designed to “cure” them of their, and I am not making this up, “short-term delusion”:
In the final days of 2024, a federal judge in Florida’s Northern District issued a ruling rejecting a preliminary injunction against a new Florida Department of Corrections (FDC) policy targeting transgender inmates. This policy, introduced on September 30, 2024, frames gender dysphoria as a “short-term delusion,” restricting access to gender-affirming care, permitting hormones only in “rare instances” deemed constitutionally necessary. The FDC bulletin also suggests psychotropic medications and psychotherapy as sufficient alternatives to medical transition, ignoring widely accepted medical guidelines.
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), representing plaintiff Reiyn Keohane, challenged the policy, arguing it strips transgender inmates of essential care and dignity. Under the policy, trans women in Florida prisons are denied access to gender-aligned clothing and grooming standards, with confiscation of canteen items and head shaving mandated for non-compliance. According to the ACLU’s October 2024 complaint, inmates face invasive examinations to assess breast size for bra eligibility, subjecting them to dehumanizing treatment under the guise of policy enforcement. The ACLU sought immediate relief, filing for a preliminary injunction to halt these measures.
But you probably don’t know any trans people. Since the trans community represents a whole whopping .6% of the population, the overwhelming majority of you reading this aren’t going to be trans yourself.
I certainly don’t have any trans people in my life and I’ve only met one, just one, that I’m aware of in the last decade.
So is this really that important? A few hundred or thousand people are being impacted. That’s not great but don’t we have bigger problems to deal with? Donald Trump is going to be president in two weeks! You probably feel bad but, jeez, you just don’t have the bandwidth for this!
OK, you need to have a seat and let your Uncle Ogre explain what’s happening here and why you better get that bandwidth right fucking now.
You’re being conditioned. Yes, you. Right now. You are being conditioned to accept atrocities. Republicans know exactly what they are doing and you are being manipulated in a meticulous way to accept the morally unacceptable.
They told you that trans people were sexual deviants and pedophiles.
They told you that having trans girls in locker rooms and bathrooms put “normal” girls at risk.
They told you that trans girls in sports was an attack on feminism.
They told you these and other lies (and they were all lies) over and over and over again and then passed hundreds of laws targeting the trans communities.
My personal favorite lie is how trans rights issues cost us the election even though Kamala Harris hardly mentioned it. The legacy press LOVED repeating that one.
Entire states now deny trans children the medical care they need because something something “protect the children!” Activists were loud and clear that it was never about the children and that Republicans would be banning treatment for trans adults. And that’s exactly what they did.
Step by step to atrocity. This is how it works.
Now, not just content to deny care to the trans community, Republicans are going to force the people they have in custody to transition back, subjecting them to drugs and hostile therapy telling them they are crazy. Do you think they’ll stop at shaving heads? I promise you, they will remove implants next because it’s “unnatural.”
But you don’t know any trans people and you’re far too busy resisting Trump to pay attention to this stuff, right? It’s just a few thousand trans people.
And you’ll say the same thing when they begin forced conversion therapy for homosexual men in prisons.
By then, they’ll have passed laws making it legal to forcibly detransition trans people who aren’t in prison. That went by unnoticed because, well, they were already doing it and nothing really changed for 99.4% of us, right?
Step by step to atrocity.
Once they devastate the LGB_Q community, Republicans will move on to mandatory sterilizations.
But that’s fucking crazy, right? That can’t happen here. We don’t do shit like that. Except, of course, when we do:
1981 is commonly listed as the year in which Oregon performed the last legal forced sterilization in U.S. history. However, forced sterilizations have continued in more recent years. For instance, according to a report by The Guardian, California has been forcibly sterilizing people (in this case, in prisons) as recently as 2010; the state approved a budget in 2021 for reparations to those who were sterilized without consent.
No one went to jail for this. No one is ever going to jail for this. I promise you, it’s happening, right now, in other states and it will get worse if fascism has its way while we’re “too busy” to take note.
Eventually, Republicans will brag about it because, hey, we’re already OK with forcing medical procedures onto people we don’t really care about. And didn’t we hear something about overpopulation and violent tendencies in some types of people? Immigrants, maybe? Black people? People with autism? The poor? It’s so hard to keep up with the news what with all the resisting we’re doing. Who has time to spend on people no one cares about?
Step by step to atrocity.
I know you want this to be hysterical exaggeration. I don’t do hysterical exaggeration. This is something that’s already happened. No, not the Nazis. That came later. This is what WE fucking did. The great and mighty United States of America pioneered forced sterilization of “undesirables.” We sterilized, at a minimum, 70,000 people. Immigrants. Blacks. The poor. People with mental illnesses. We literally invented Eugenics. The Nazis took it to its logical, genocidal conclusion.
Republicans very much want to do it again.
It’s really important to understand that Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller are obsessed with a book called “The Camp of the Saints.” Miller pushes everyone in the White House to read it. It informs his genocidal crusade against immigrants.
Never heard of “The Camp of the Saints?” It’s no big deal, just a foundational text of white nationalism that describes the fall of Western civilization:
The Camp of the Saints is a 1973 French novel by Jean Raspail that has become a key inspiration within white nationalist circles. It portrays a dystopia, or perhaps an apocalypse: a flotilla of South Asian people who invade France and effectively overthrow Western society.
"The key themes are actually white supremacy and the end of white civilization as the West knows it — infestation, invasion, hordes of nameless, faceless migrants who come to indeed invade the West and bring about its end," says Chelsea Stieber, professor of French and Francophone studies at Catholic University of America.
It’s not just racist. It’s off-the-charts racist. The far-right uses this book to justify their violence toward immigrants. It might as well be “Mein Kampf” and, frankly, people like Miller and Bannon do, in fact, use it in much the same way.
So when I tell you that we are watching the first steps towards atrocity and genocide, I am not engaging in hyperbole or trying to generate hysteria. I am not a trans activist with a deep investment in the community. I honestly don’t care about them because they’re not a part of my life any more than, say, Tasmanians or Norwegians.
But I know conditioning when I see it. I know what the building blocks for genocide look like. The jokes. The cruelty. The shift in language and public perception. The restrictive laws and increased state violence. By the time the jokes and cruelty and shift in language spread to the next targets, it will be too late. We will already have accepted atrocity and it gets easier with each new assault on what is acceptable. That’s how it works. Step by step.
Speak out now, even if you don’t give a flying fuck about the trans community. This is the canary in the coal mine and you ignore it at your peril.
First they came for the trans community
And I did not speak out
Because I was not trans
You know the rest. They’ll get to you, eventually, and if you don’t speak out now, who will be left to speak for you?
This is it. This is Germany in the 1930s and what you do will be recorded in the history books. Your children and grandchildren will look back and ask what you did. Will you be able to look them in the face?
I hope you feel better informed about the world and ready to kick fascists in the teeth to protect it. This newsletter exists because of you, so please consider becoming a supporting subscriber today for only $5 a month or just $50 a year. Thank you for everything!
What the fuck is so hard about letting doctors decide what medical treatment people need?
What the fuck is so hard about letting sports leagues and conferences determine who is or isn't eligible to play in them without some legislation mandating a conclusion?
What the fuck is so hard about minding your own business?
We can try to explain to people why it is important to accommodate people with trans status but frankly I'm fucking sick of doing it. They don't have to like trans people, or understand it. (Even as somebody who fully supports trans rights and has trans friends I don't really UNDERSTAND it - it's their life, their experience, their consciousness, not mine.) They just need to stop caring. They just need to pay attention to LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE. Maybe something that actually affects them.
As a trans person, thank you so much for this article. We need all the support we can get, especially as Dems seem perfectly willing to throw us under the bus now, with the approving the NDAA, despite the little inclusion that strips trans kids of people who have served of healthcare.