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Biden continues to wage class warfare on rich tax cheats and it’s delicious!
Here’s the AP explaining why Republican are sooooo mad:
WASHINGTON (AP) — The IRS announced Thursday that it has collected $1 billion in back taxes from high-wealth tax cheats — a milestone meant to showcase how the agency is making use of the money it received as part of the Biden administration’s signature climate, health care, and tax package signed into law in 2022.
Part of the push for public awareness of high-wealth tax collections is a growing recognition by agency officials that a potential Republican takeover of the White House and Congress could mean massive future budget cuts for the IRS. Showing the public how much work the IRS is getting done is meant to give the much-maligned agency a more sympathetic image.
Would Donald Trump gut the IRS? I mean, he’s a man of the people, right? Just like you and me? A real populist down-to-earth average Joe?
He’s been out there whoring the Oval Office for months by explicitly telling billionaires he’s going to cut their taxes!
Former President Donald Trump reportedly told wealthy donors to his 2024 campaign that he’ll keep their taxes low and extend his 2017 tax cuts, many of which are set to expire after 2025.
Trump’s campaign said he had raised a record $50.5 million at a Saturday night fundraising dinner held at the Palm Beach, Florida, home of billionaire hedge fund investor John Paulson. The event was private and the Trump campaign reportedly declined to release a transcript of the former president’s roughly 45-minute presentation to more than 100 guests seated under a giant tent — though we can tell you that the gathered donors, including several billionaires, reportedly “dined on endive and frisee salad, filet au poivre, and pavlova with fresh berries,” according to NBC News.
Endive? Frisee salad? Filet au poivre? I didn’t even know what the fuck a single one of those foods were. I had to look them up but I’m old enough to remember the entire right wing crying hot tears of rage because Barack Obama ate arugula. It was too fancy and “elite,” you see. But endive is fine, I guess. Must be lots of Midwesterners chowing down on endive while drinking a beer these days. Honest!
Anyway, back to squeezing tax cheats until they cry. This is what it looks like when the government is working for the people, not the rich. It should be noted that the rich are American citizens, too. And they benefit from a country with a stable government, healthy infrastructure, and an educated population. They keep forgetting this because their fucking greed shuts down their empathy and higher reasoning functions. All they can think of is how to hoard more money at any cost. Sometimes children have to be guided with a firm hand and the rich are the most spoiled children of all.
Meanwhile, inflation continues to stay level or drop:
And Jobs and wages continue to grow:
In other news, the stock market hit a new high which means Wall Street doesn’t give a shit about Biden’s debate performance. The fact that the press is still screaming about Biden’s age while the polls show Trump is still just barely ahead the way he’s been all year tells me one thing and one thing only: The press is not worried about Biden losing to Trump. They’re worried Biden is still going to win despite all of the work they’ve put in to tip the scales.
It’s time to finish these rat bastards off and give Biden another 4 years. He’s given us the strongest economy in half a century, the rich are finally paying their fair share, and, oh, Joe Biden’s not a goddamn fascist.
There are 116 days until the 2024 election. Vote blue like your life depends on it.
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See the Magnitsky Act. Putin steals from his own IRS. Why not Donald, if he gets the chance?
Oh, I was just told by an old friend that Biden was “selfish” for not relinquishing power. I guess we know what actual selfishness looks like.