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Today’s main topic is, of course, Elon Musk’s ongoing coup, the danger it poses to the country, and how absolutely enraged the left is becoming. Murderously so. Maybe being a fascist dictator in a country that prides itself on killing fascist dictators isn’t a great career move? We discuss.
We also get a good laugh at the sad story of the Proud Boys losing the right to their own name, Shannon delivers a vital PSA for the immigrant community to know your rights, and we chat about Dune: Prophecy and Shannon’s growing obsession with trashy romance novels.
Come join the Og Pod for a bit!
Ogre Nation News Update:
2:03 - 14:38 Elon Musk’s coup continues with the full collaboration of the legacy press.
14:39 - 18:13 The real reason the GOP wants to gut the FBI.
18:14 - 21:15 Republicans finally shut down the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
21:16 - 35:14 Musk’s coup risks pushing the left (and the right) into the Luigi Remedy.
35:15 - 41:36 Shannon’s PSA - Know Your Rights - Immigration Edition. Make a Nazi mad, know your legal rights.
41:37 - 45:50 Louisiana tries to sue a NY doctor for prescribing abortion medication to a Louisiana teen with her mother’s permission.
45:51 - 54:27 Headlines For Short Attention Spans!
54:28 - 1:00:32 Shit We’re Watching This Week!
Things We Discuss In The Show
Musk Moves With Lightning Speed to Exert Control Over the Government
Treasury sued over DOGE access to sensitive data
All Work Halted at Consumer Watchdog Agency
Know Your Rights Under the U.S. Constitution – No Matter Who Is President
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