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This week, Shannon and I take a look at how the literally lied us into a second Trump presidency. After that, Trump voters are already starting to panic over getting exactly what they asked for. Well, too fucking late now, dipshits! Enjoy the show as Trump pulls your world down around your stupid ears.
Finally, there’s a bit of good news: Trump’s big victory? Not that big. What does it mean for the GOP and the future? (Hint: Nothing good)
Ok! Let’s do this!
Links to stuff in the show
'Bath Salts' Drug Suspected In Miami Face-Eating Attack
Stock Market Roared During Donald Trump’s First Year, Boosted by Earnings and Tax Cut
Four. Fucking. Years. Of: ARE WE IN A RECESSION?!!??!
When your Charter School Rejects your Child based upon their IEP Needs.
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